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Are you colorblind?


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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' date='Oct 20 2004, 06:19 PM'] My vision is pretty much the same as yours. My perscription has been different for each eye ever since I first got glasses though (right eye is a tad worse than the left). I do notice that some days colors seem more blue toned in one eye and more pink toned it the other... Its not like that today, but sometimes I notice it if I lie down to take a nap and alternate which eye I look out of. [/quote]
That's exactly what mine is like- one is more blue toned, especially if i close one eye for a while or take a nap on one side, and the other, i dont know what tone it is, it just makes the colors look a little richer-looking... if that makes any sense at all. My eyes were (according to the eye doctor) even for quite a while (I got glasses in 2nd grade, contacts in 6th, and wasnt uneven until my last appointment (about a month ago)) but it always seemed to be that my left eye was a tad worse.

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I'm scat. I don't wanna. I have good color sight, ok!? I just don't need to!

Seriously though, my left eye sees with a reddish tint... it kind of disturbed me before I found out there were others like me with messed up color vision... ;)

*whoa, I think I just hit 200...*

Edited by heyyoimjohnny
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[quote name='TrinityAddiction' date='Oct 20 2004, 07:37 PM'] That's exactly what mine is like- one is more blue toned, especially if i close one eye for a while or take a nap on one side, and the other, i dont know what tone it is, it just makes the colors look a little richer-looking... if that makes any sense at all. [/quote]
It makes perfect sense. The "richer" looking tones are from the eye I described as seeing more "pinkish tones"--the bluer tones remind me of those movies where everything is just kind of grey and dark through the whole thing (only not that drastic).

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 20 2004, 03:56 PM'] I went pretty far, but then this freaky woman appeared. [/quote]

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

I actually took an official color test during my physically to join the military. I have, I think they said, acute color blindness. In other words....I can't see certain shades of colors when they're next to a slightly darker shade of color.

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[quote name='azaelia' date='Oct 21 2004, 09:52 AM'] That's nothing compared to this: [url="http://www.jelliebean.org/whatswrong.swf"]What's Wrong?[/url]

:D [/quote]

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[quote name='azaelia' date='Oct 21 2004, 09:52 AM'] That's nothing compared to this: [url="http://www.jelliebean.org/whatswrong.swf"]What's Wrong?[/url]

:D [/quote]
Oh please...

that one is so boring. <_<

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