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death penalty, abortion, and unjust war


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[quote name='flip' date='Oct 18 2004, 02:47 PM'] let us pray to end all abortion in all cases, all death penalty in america, and all unjust war.

these are all sins that need to be non-existent in our country [/quote]
Dude, I agree with Abortion dude, it sould be put away, but the Death Penality is 100% needed. without it, you have over crowded prisions, full of imates who are killers, robbers, rapists, etc etc, and you spend so much money to keep them alive, and America Tax Dollars pay for that, and they live better than most innocent hobos, which is sad.

Do Away with Abortion Yes, Do Away with the [b]Death Penality, NO.[/b]

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Oct 19 2004, 02:09 AM']

Do Away with Abortion Yes, Do Away with the [b]Death Penality, NO.[/b] [/quote]

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote]I am referring to much more than the theological perfection of the Mass (I don't really know exactly what that means or how to distinguish it from a "non-theological perfectability). I am speaking of the efficacy of the Mass as infinitely meritorious.[/quote]

The efficacy of the mass would be included within the theological perfection of the mass. To say that the mass is perfect in a theological sense is to say that the approved mass contains no theological error, and that it is indeed the sacrifice of Christ.

[quote]This is a tautology. And you have not yet defined any of your terms, which, as you can see, has caused confusion.[/quote]

Also, not to be nitpicky, but the only definition of a tautology that I am aware of is a sentence in a logical set whose truth table contains no conditions of falsehood. That point aside however (for perhaps there could be another definition) you must remember that you have not really defined your terms either. You aluded to a broader meaning of "perfect" than simply the infinitly meritorious nature of Christ's Sacrifice, but did not clarify what you meant by this.

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Oct 19 2004, 09:58 AM'] The efficacy of the mass would be included within the theological perfection of the mass. To say that the mass is perfect in a theological sense is to say that the approved mass contains no theological error, and that it is indeed the sacrifice of Christ.

If it contains any essential theological error (by essential I am referring to that which is essentil to the Mass itself; i.e, that the Mass is a re-presentaion of the Sacrifice of Calvary) then the Mass would not be valid and therefore, not efficacious. I think we are saying the same thing here, if that is what is being referred to as theological perfection. This seems to me to be a given.

[quote]Also, not to be nitpicky, but the only definition of a tautology that I am aware of is a sentence in a logical set whose truth table contains no conditions of falsehood.[/quote]

A syllogism can be abbreviated into one sentance. It seems to me that the statement I was calling a tautology is exactly that. Let me unpack it.

cmom stated "If the Trid Mass was "perfect" it would not have been changed."

No perfect Mass would be changed.
The Trid. Mass was changed.
Therefore,the Trid. Mass was not perfect.

It seems that the first sentance has not been established. It is merely asserted as true.

Second, given the definition of "perfect" that I am referring to, this seems to be erroneous. But perhaps we are equivocating.

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But again. this is off topic, so we should either start a different thread for this topic or finish the discussion via e-mail.

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