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I would like to invite all those interested in helping with the updating of a column on Phatmass to e-mail me at


The Column will be geared towards specific Doctrines, Teachings and even Apologetics for the Catholic Church. Topics will be assigned and deadlines will be enforced. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.....

No seriously though, I've read many of the posts on here, so please consider this offer and pray about it.

I am putting together a team/panel of Catholic writers to write for and update one of the columns on the Phatmass site regularly. You will rotate with other writers on the team so the time commitment won't be too high. In fact it wont' be any more than the time you spend on PM anyway . LOL.

Topic Choices will be made available to you should you choose to volunteer and you will be relied upon to write on that topic and submit it. If we all agree that we are here to help each other grow then this is a great opportunity for you.

Now, don't front I know there is some real talent in here I've read posts from Anna, Cmom, Theologian in Traning...that's right I'm calling all y'all out now.

If interested please e-mail me at music@phatmass.com and let me know.

You can even post a response here but you need to leave an e-mail address where you can be reached.

Think about it, Pray about it....and Holla back.

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great idea! i'd love to give it a shot... just tell me what 2 do

B) i'll put this on my resume as "Columnist" or some cool title like that

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:blink: :blink: addys?

ummm i guess this kan be an email type thing

my email's aloysius@jesusanswers.com

ummm yeah, what exactly am i spost ta do?

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I'll e-mail you the details. Just easier than posting "Columnist" business on the boards and bothering everybody with it. LOL.

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Theologian in Training

  Kiddkapps said:


I would like to invite all those interested in helping with the updating of a column on Phatmass to e-mail me at


The Column will be geared towards specific Doctrines, Teachings and even Apologetics for the Catholic Church. Topics will be assigned and deadlines will be enforced. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.....

No seriously though, I've read many of the posts on here, so please consider this offer and pray about it.

I am putting together a team/panel of Catholic writers to write for and update one of the columns on the Phatmass site regularly. You will rotate with other writers on the team so the time commitment won't be too high. In fact it wont' be any more than the time you spend on PM anyway . LOL.

Topic Choices will be made available to you should you choose to volunteer and you will be relied upon to write on that topic and submit it. If we all agree that we are here to help each other grow then this is a great opportunity for you.

Now, don't front I know there is some real talent in here I've read posts from Anna, Cmom, Theologian in Traning...that's right I'm calling all y'all out now.

If interested please e-mail me at music@phatmass.com and let me know.

You can even post a response here but you need to leave an e-mail address where you can be reached.

Think about it, Pray about it....and Holla back.

Darn, I was hoping you would have forgotten about me. Thing is I am incredibly busy now, got little time to do much, and depending on the topic, it might require a bit of research which might be difficult to find the time to acquire, even despite the seminary library downstairs.

If you have something "light" that I might be able to throw together, or if it involved something with the a teaching about the Church being that I am in Ecclesiology right now, I would see what I could do.

You can find me at seminarian@ziplip.com if you want to drop me a line, I will prolly check it within a few days.

Thanks for thinking about me.

God Bless

Edited by Theologian in Training
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:P SCHWEEEET...who's next?

You know you want to **wink** I see you're posts. Don't make me call you out too. :P

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Hey Theo, can you give us the rundown on that really long word you posted, that I won't even try to spell?

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Theologian in Training

  cmotherofpirl said:
Hey Theo, can you give us the rundown on that really long word  you posted, that I won't even try to spell?

which word is that cmom?

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llrddvl@stpius.upbeat.com <----hello, I'm sorry for posting this here but I'm sorry to whomever this is, I tried to e-mail a reply but it keeps being sent back. Please e-mail me again....the Phatmass Column Clan would love to have you come aboard!

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Theologian in Training

  cmotherofpirl said:

Wow, I am shocked no one knows what this is.

From Dictionary.com

The branch of theology that is concerned with the nature, constitution, and functions of a church.

Quite simply, it is the study of the Church. The professor I have approaches the Church through Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium.

He has quoted Lumen Gentium # 1 as a basic tenet, building upon it with the CCC # 750 to better underline it with the Baltimore Catehcism's understanding of the Church.

We seek an understanding of the Church through Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium, in order to better understand the origins and meaning of the four marks of the Church, One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.

BTW, as one of our reading assignments we were to read the Catholic Encyclopedia's definition of the Church

Hope that clears it up.

God Bless

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The turn out is wonderful. For those who are already on board, you'll be getting a general Phatmass Columnist E-mail shortly for those who are still interested, please drop me an e-mail and join.

Here's your chance to give back.



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Can I throw out the offer as one of the resident English Majors to be an editor if anyone needs one? I fear I'm not equipped to be an apologist, but I'm a pretty darn good writer if I do say so myself. Which I don't often.

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