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In my mind there is no true place in cyber space as Phatmass for authentic culture. The encouragement of youth in both Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis is truly a blessing from God. There are so many youth here who have answered the Holy Father’s challenge in Denver, to be a light to the World. I have grown so much in my knowledge of the faith through the resource provided by Phatmass. Oh and the Catholic Wallpaper section is so very spin.

James Lewis III
Diocese of Dallas

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I have been thinking about entering a convent for over a year now, but since I have left my hometown and my home parish, to boldly go out into the world of college where everything is liberal, it has been hard to find events I can attend other than the Holy Sacrifice of Mass and Confession to grow in my faith. But before the end of my senior year, I found phatmass and all its orthodoxy and "hipness". I immediately fell in love with the people and the fact that there are so many wonderful devout orthodox Catholics to share the faith with and grow in knowledge of Apologetics and Church Teachings, along with further discerning my calling and helping me keep my faith alive at the United Church of Christ College I attend. Phatmass is great and has helped me through many hard times in my life. It gives me strength to proudly live on a devout Catholic life! God Bless and Mary Protect!

Diocese of Rockford

(Feel free to edit errors... I'm pretty bad at these things...)

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I am a Youth Minister from a small town in Texas. I had been searching the internet for websites that presented Catholocism in way that was faithful, vibrant, and hip. I found the perfect combination in Phatmass.com. My young people have found a safe internet community where they can be in touch with young people from around the country who take their faith seriously and are striving to live holy lives. Living in a small town where Catholicisim is in the minority, it has been important for my teens to "hook up" with Catholics around the globe who see following Christ as their primary objective. At Phatmass a teen can ask questions about the faith, learn how to successfully defend the teachings of the Church, get advice (from peers, lay adults, and clergy) about the challenges of living their faith, and have fun goofing off with silly topics and random games.

Our Holy Father encourages us to bring about the New Evangelization using every means of modern communication available to us. Phatmass.com has answered that call and provides a great resource to anyone who is committed to helping young people seek and follow Christ. I give it 5 stars!

Stephen Sanchez
Diocese of Austin, TX

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