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Bush plan would tax Warren Buffett 3% of income.


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Do you think Chirst would approval wholey of either person running? Or for that matter, all that you or I or anyone is? We are not prefect, we are of a fallen nature, so impling that Christ would wholy support any one pure human is kinda out there.

The Bush family doesn't support the Bush Tax cuts... werid.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 14 2004, 03:42 PM'] Would Jesus approve? As long as it is just, and I think it might be.

BTW Smeagol = Aragon? [/quote]
Or possibly roommates, or very good friends.

Is there an Eowyn in the house?

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I think Christ would vote Bush, and love everyone...

And I Can say that because I am laity...

Why Bush, because he equal less death, not no death...

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 14 2004, 06:16 PM'] I think Christ would vote Bush, and love everyone...

And I Can say that because I am laity...

Why Bush, because he equal less death, not no death... [/quote]
I think Christ would vote for Bush.

And then convert him. ;)


I think Bush is open to conversion...I think he seeks to do what's right, even if he doesn't always end up doing it...

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Ash Wednesday

Can't we just have Jesus for President? :)

Just place a tabernacle in the Oval Office and when we needed something his cabinet could go in there and pray for guidance.

Okay, maybe not... I just wanted an excuse to say "Jesus for President."

I agree with Iacobus in that both parties would have policies, or at the very least, how they are applied wrongly, that upset Christ.

But there is no question, that the most grevious sin would be allowing the crushing of millions of innocent heads and tearing of innocent limbs. The church does not favor one party over another, but it does weigh the importance of certain issues over others.

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