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what to do when the kids have sex?


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I personally think that when my kids get into the situation where they have to make the decision to sin or not, I can't make that decision for them. I can't, and won't, stop them from making that choice between chastity and sin. I can, however, raise them to the best of my ability and try to instill in them the value of chastity.

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Sending them to the basement will not make the problem go away, obviously. Love the child. Pray as a family. With God anything is possible. I think the media also wants us to think that is NORMAL to have pre-marital sex. Look at everything they are up against as well. As a youth minister, this is one subject that is CONSTANTLY talked about because it's also the biggest problem they face. Parents need to be firm in what they believe and why they will follow the teaching of the Church and understand that thier child will have to make thier own choice. As far as the rest of us, we need to be role models and help the teens in our own area. If they made a mistake, don't treat them like a disease. They'll know you think that before you even utter the words.

[b][color=blue]"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
-- Mother Teresa[/color][/b]

Brothers and sisters are a great source of info, so are friends of thier kids!

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