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St. Thomas More


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I know this isnt true, at least I hope not...

[quote]"'As St. Thomas More teaches, Objects in themselves are never bad, it's how you choose to use them.'

That from the man who believed that English bible to be more than bad. Infact, he had people martyred for possesing one"[/quote]

my responce:

[color=red]... I'm guessing you live in England?...
St. Thomas More didn't martyr anyone from my knowlege, in fact he was martyred himself for not accepting King Henry's views. In fact, if you guys have a different Bible than we do, he wouldnt have even had the great power to kill people because it would be in opposition to the King's orders. I dont really feel like moving in on this. You must obviously be an Anglican to hold these views on him. I'm a Catholic, I view King Henry as the "Big Bad Wolf", I guess you guys see St. Thomas the same way.[/color]

Am I wrong? Proof please.

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Well, St. Thomas More did not execute anyone for "having an English Bible."

According to NewAdvent.org [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14689c.htm"](link)[/url], Thomas More was appointed the Chancellor of England for three years, beginning in 1529. Under his watch, a total of four people were executed for heresy. In his time, the government prosecuted heresy as a crime. Of course, a quick look at lists of [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05474a.htm"]Catholic martyrs (link to a partial list)[/url] will reveal how many Catholics died for holding onto their faith, especially under the British Crown.

Also, you might want to ask your friend which English Bible he's referring to. Is he talking about the Wyclif version? Is he talking about one of the partial translations (polemical works, complete with distortions to fit their authors' particular biases) made during St. Thomas More's life?

Here's a little more about English Bible versions [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15367a.htm#english"](link)[/url]. I get dizzy just thinking about all the different versions... :)



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