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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

How would I go about telling my mother that I want to transfer to a Catholic College just to go major in Theology? You may or may not know, but my mom is kinda against the so called "religious fanatic" and doesn't want me to become a nun. I just need some advice on how to break this to her and so that it sounds very reasonable...

Any thoughts?

God Bless and Mary Protect,

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Is you Mother funding your education?

If she is, you need to go about it more gently, if not, then you don't need her permission, so you can take a more direct approach. (I'm not saying be rude, just you can be more direct)

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Well... we both have loans out in both our names... she has one and I have one and then there is scholarships and then money from my grandfather... that will be gone by the end of this school year.

I just want to tell her my plans I don't want to be mean or uncharitable about either...

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ummm Angela hun you don't know how odd this is right now, but tonight I decided that I'll most likely be changing my major from Biology and Veterinary Medicine to Theology, girl you don't know what a chill I got when I was reading this.

The best way to talk to her about this is to set her down calmly and have a nice long talk about it, if necessary have a talk between her and your priest all in the same room. Your priest will help her to understand that you can not go against what God is willing you to do. So yeah I highly recommend sitting down with your priest and mom and having a long talk about this.

God Bless and Many prayers,

Edited by StColette
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*got a major chill too but then got less freaked because .... yeah*

i agree with jennie. talking in a group like that could help lots!!

Edited by hugheyforlife
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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I don't know if my mom would talk about this with a priest... she barely talks to anyone at our parish... she'd rather not socialize with them... she is a bit "different"

Weird about that Jennie... :blink:

I think I'll talk with her and then see how that goes, it won't go very far without her asking me sooo many questions and saying how I have to "move on" and I dunno... It's tough...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='StColette' date='Oct 12 2004, 01:23 AM'] Does she believe in doing and accepting the will of God ? [/quote]
:blink: I'm not quite sure... I'm sure she would argue against it saying that I'm being tooo fanatical and life isn't like that...

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Our lives should be govenored by what God wants for us and what God wills us to do, it is our responsibility as children of God to follow whatever He wishes for us, no ifs ands or buts about it. I can give her some Bible verses lol

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

She wouldn't care about the bible verses... she just has a lot of our statues and such because they are pretty... I don't think she even has a Bible... I'd share mine with her, but... It is really difficult coming across to my mother about religion... she is very picky and touchy about it... but she has raised me to respect it...

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i don't have any advice because i am in that situation with my mom....except we don't talk about it too much...i always go about it in the wrong way...

but you can be assured of my prayers, because i can definatley relate

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Angie I know how you feel! When I told my mom I want to go to a catholic college after I finish my 2 years aecommunity college so I can minor in theology she told me I could get the same education at a state university. I don't think she really gets it that I want to take CATHOLIC theology and not just christian. My mom says she is very faithful but I couldn't tell you the last time she's been to mass and she's always trying to put down people really involved with the church. The past few weekends I acually snuck out of the house to go to mass.

Angie I'd say you need to break it to her slowly. Maybe at first you could just tell her you wanna study theology and take it from there. I'll pray for you Angie.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Andrea348' date='Oct 12 2004, 08:20 AM'] i don't have any advice because i am in that situation with my mom....except we don't talk about it too much...i always go about it in the wrong way...

but you can be assured of my prayers, because i can definatley relate [/quote]
really? wow...

Why is it that they repress what is so good?

Thanks for your prayers, I will offer some up for you as well! ^_^

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Man... my mom and I were talking on the phone last night for about 2 hours, right before I posted this... SHe knows I am not happy with certian things here and I don't know if she would be all too crazy about me changing my major...

THis is sooo confusing! :wacko:

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Angela how about my dad adopts ya ;) he encourages vocation

Just keep talking with her :) She'll come around especially with the many prayers from the phatmassers ;)

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