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10/13 - Twenty-eighth Wednesday

Go ahead and host their website - they're not propogating outright heresy, though some of what they say is a little less than cool. If nothing else, it's a good ecumenical gesture. For instance, in June the Holy Father gave one of the churches in Rome over for the use of the Greek Orthodox in the city. If he can give away a sacred space, I'm sure that a few bytes of cyberspace won't be a problem. Say you're doing it in the spirit of [i]Ut Unum Sint[/i], then give them the encyclical to read.

Also, tell them to design a t-shirt that has Christ's prayer for unity on it - it's a subtle way of telling them to come home. ;)

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The most obvious heresy is: "We also believe that this spiritual death, or total depravity of human nature, has been transmitted to the entire human race of man, The Man Christ Jesus alone being excepted, and hence that every child of Adam is born into the world with a nature which not only possesses no spark of divine life, but is essentially and unchangeably bad apart from divine grace."

Not only Christ but also the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin. They are clearly not a Catholic website. If you want advice, I'd say not to support them by letting them use your server.

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I would agree with Pio Nino.

It was through your hospitality at Phatmass that I was first evangelized for the Catholic faith. Get their address and I'll send them free catechisms :D

Edited by Brother Adam
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