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Afghan Movie Theater Pic


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[quote name='Ash Wednesday' date='Oct 10 2004, 05:35 PM'] I don't doubt that things aren't all roses abroad, but believe me, if Bush was a Democrat, then people on Kerry's side would be singing the praises of happy Afghans voting democratically... [/quote]
you yourself assume too much.
i take offense to your implication that my mind is shallow and fickle.
that assumption [b]is[/b] hostile.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='smeagol' date='Oct 10 2004, 05:42 PM'] you yourself assume too much.
i take offense to your implication that my mind is shallow and fickle.
that assumption [b]is[/b] hostile. [/quote]
Whoever said I was talking about you? Get a grip.

My point was, there's a mixed bag of a situation in Afghanistan and Iraq, and politically either side will play up one over the other for the sake of their political agenda (and Rachael, I don't mean that you were doing that, because IMO you were just wanting to show a picture of interest.)

If you want to post a picture of Afghan warlords, it's a free country.

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Ash Wednesday

[quote name='rachael' date='Oct 10 2004, 05:44 PM'] :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: [/quote]
It's okay, rachael. It was a very nice photo. And, quite honestly I actually found it to be a bit surprising.

Thank you for sharing.

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I found it surprising that elections were held at all. Afganastan is still rough, the US has no presne outside Kabual. So I would thank America, not Bush, for an election. However, I think it was premature but the intent was good.

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more on the election:


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rachael, forgive me if i upset you.. i did not mean to, i only meant for you to delve deeper into the topic than it seemed you had. this assumption was not fully justified. but i think the situation is rectified in that you read up on the issue. and that's all i urged. so everyone else, let's do the same... read read read! and learn learn learn ! for ignorance is NOT bliss as we all know.

keep on rocking in the free world,
~ smeagol

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