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Just Got MSN Messenger...

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

This isn't fun anylonger.... sorry if it seems like I am ignoring you... I'm really not... I just am Havoing problems where I can't send or recive ANY messages... :( It is sad... :sadder:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Why does MSN messenger have to be so gosh darn stupid and not work! ARRRG! Now AIM is on the fritz too! How on earth am I supposed to talk to peeps online?

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What is a computer’s first sign of old age?
Loss of memory.

What does a baby computer call his father?

What is an astronaut’s favorite key on a computer keyboard?
The space bar.

What happened when the computer fell on the floor?
It slipped a disk.

Why was there a bug in the computer?
It was looking for a byte to eat.

What is a computer virus?
A terminal illness.

How did the mouse get out of the Russian Cathedral?
He clicked on an icon and opened a window.

To err is human; but to really screw things up requires a

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