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Story behind the Name


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Noel's angel

Ok, ill go

Noel was my parish priest for 15 years, and in the last year or so of his life, my best friend. He used to call me his angel, among other things and then he died of cancer and i decided to use his name as my screen name

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Well, as for mine, stargirl is the title of a book that I have seen but not read. I thought it was pretty cool, so I used that, and 3:16 is from John 3:16, obviously.

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It should be Picchickolo but I forgot the -olo part.

I play piccolo and I am a chick so picchick :D

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St. Colette was responsible for re-establishing the rule of the Franciscans. The Franciscan order had become somewhat lax. In a vision that St. Colette beheld of the Solemnity of the Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi she was asked to re-establish the Franciscan orders. She also had a great love and care for animals and she had a strong devotion to the Passion of Our Lord.

She's a great inspiration to me so that's why I picked her name ^_^

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hmmm my last name is hughey and no matter what happens i will always be a hughey at heart.... does that make sense or am i not communicating well tonight....

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Oct 8 2004, 04:04 PM'] amazingly logical. silence what about ur name? [/quote]
Mine: My spiritual director told me that Silence is one of the best forms of prayer; for in silence one can hear God. That's one reason behind my name.

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The other reason is I think I am slowly loosing my hearing. I have had bad ears since I was born, but lately my hearing has gotten a little worse. I honestly like the first reason better, though

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='Oct 8 2004, 03:51 PM'] Ok, ill go

Noel was my parish priest for 15 years, and in the last year or so of his life, my best friend. He used to call me his angel, among other things and then he died of cancer and i decided to use his name as my screen name [/quote]
That is so sweet!

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Noel's angel

thanks, he meant a lot to me :D im sorry to learn about ur hearing, but the other reason is really cool. i pray that ur hearing holds out for as long as possible

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