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hey FX2 is that pic of u for ur lil icon thing or is it somone else could i coulda sworn i saw it in a video we saw in class about youth 2000 and ya if it is u thats cool.

that pic is fr stan fortuna, a rapping priest, part of the franciscan order. his music got me into christian rap and outta that secular garbage. He has a song on Massmatics called School of the Eucharist. Its a tight song, you should check it out. He puts Nas, 50 and Eminem in their place!

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hey fx2,

thanks for the props on the lyrics, i got seanzy from my friend, who is the other half of attracting opposites, and his family, they just started callin me it and it stuck

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hey im writing a song about how secularized the Christmas season has become. Once i tune it up a bit, ill post it. wouldnt it be cool for phatmass to come out with a Christmas Cd? " NOW thats what a call a Phatmass Christmas" or somehting like that lol :P

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i finally finetuned my song "Skittle: Catholocism"

it's a parody of Eminem, thus the "Skittle" part. anyway, these be the lyrics

it a parody of White America

Catholicism! We love you! How many people are proud to be members of this beautiful Religion of our's, the Magisterium and the Pope with his cool car. For the beliefs that men have died for to protect. The Saints and Angels who have broke their necks for the love of Jesus Christ that the Magisterium is commissioned by God to uphold. and it's 2000 years old

Yo', I want everybody to listen to the words of this song,

I never would've dreamed in a million years I’d see

So many denominations who don’t feel like me

don’t share the same views and sometimes ridicule my beliefs

It’s a giant army marchin with but against me

So many lives we’ve touched, so much love it’s aimed in every particular direction

The Church just Prays and Prays,

and straight through 2000 years the faith remains unchanged

Even through bad popes the truth through the Church does blaze

Yo, who would’ve thought, getting nailed to a Cross, dyin for sin

Reachin for 12 Apostles to share, in His body and blood,

That His Church would catapult to the forefront of Truth like this.

But Jesus predicted His words would have an impact like this.

When He said the Gates of the Netherworld might as well not exist.

In their inability to defend against this.


Catholicism! Proud to be one of your kids

Catholicism, Cause Jesus founded this

Catholicism, yeah Jesus loves all this

When you go to Mass, give praise and glory to Him

Look at this Church, beautiful, bride of Jesus Himself

If it wasn’t, Church Loses Netherworld prevails

But it would happen, Jesus promised, Holy Spirit would Help

Keep The Church undefeated, no chance for that Hell!

When we were underground, the Romans hated us so much

Throwin us to the lions, but we didn’t give up

We were like, ‘We Love Jesus!’ We gotta keep it up!

And then came Constantine, the only one to look past

Gave us a chance, we took Rome over, all pagans became last.

We kept Europe alive, through an Empire’s end

Through barbaric invasions, by our prayers we did send

To almighty God, who was still with us though he’d already gone to Ascend

To the right hand of His Father. He’s still with us and will be with us to the end


See the problem was, We spoke to proud pagans

who otherwise would’ve been addicted to idols and sins

Whose ignorance used to keep them in bliss

Till we created so much Godly turbulence

Strait from Jesus Christ through the missionaries it came

And they flipped, thought all that morality was lame

But the Holy Spirit’s all it took and they were instantly hooked right in

And the saints were such a hit because they were men like them

That’s where they got their inspiration to be Holy Men

It was a light to the Gentiles, strait from the start

Light shinin on pagans, shinin into the dark

And all we did was Pray and Pray, constant evangelizing,

Missionaries workin around the clock

to try to bring the pagans away from the earthly

And the Catholic part was never a problem

for years 500 more than a thousand

Till it bothered Mr. Luther’s arrogant noggin

So now from within we’re getting attacked

these other Christians

Actin like the early Church didn’t believe in Catholic doctrines

I don’t get em, they should look up to us as the Oldest Church,

With the most experience, the Church that’s God’s Spokesman, the ancient Apostolic nomination...


So to the Culture of death, even though Protestants have divided Christianity, We’re still God’s messenger aimed at you’re little Roe. V. Wade

To attack it and all the other dumb laws that you made.

To restore Christian Character, with the Pope following Jesus

Who’s leadin the way. And we’re gonna march right up to the Supreme Court

Removin the misuse and abuse of Separation of Church and state

And replace it with a Spiritual Advisory sticker.

Against the Culture of Death, all true Christians shall unite.

And hopefully we can even resolve our inner fight.

But make no mistake, pro-deathchoicers, in God’s Sight.

It’s better for you if you had a millstone tied around your neck

And be thrown into the depths of the see.

For you not only harm His little ones, you kill them.

Don’t worry, we started out convertin entire nations,

We’re just getting started witchyou.

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here'z my prayer of ST. Francis rap:

Verse 1

We're all so busy, goin place to place;

no time for what's important, no truth for us to face

Let's stop for a second Follow Francis's example

Give everything to God And let Him handle

All sorts of stuff is causin heartache, trouble and worry

Stop and be a channel of His peace, stop this crazy hurry


Lord Make Me; A Channel of Your Peace

Where there is Hatred; Let me sow Your Love

Where there's injury; Your pardon let me bring

Where There's doubt; True faith in You restore

And those that despair, hope in Heaven above

To people in darkness; I'll bring Your light

And to all those who weep, They'll shout to You with joy

Yo, my God, my Divine Master

Grant this I ask, this humble favor

That I may not so much; Seek consoling touch

As to console others; who need it much

I'll try to understand before bein understood

And not seek to be loved before I've loved with all I could

In giving we receive, in pardoning we're pardoned

AND IN DYING, yo, those who persevere to the end

We're born to Eternal Life!

i'm gonna get a few mo' verses there...

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