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baptism of the holy spirit?


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One of my good friends just started going to an Assembly of God church, and is talking about getting "re-baptized." She was baptized once as an infant, but doesn't believe that it's a valid baptism because she was not capable of faith, so now she wants to get baptized again. She and I have been having a lot of conversations about what it means to be baptized.

I believe that when a person is baptized with water in the name of the Trinity, their sins are forgiven and they become part of the Church. My friend says that she doesn't believe baptism is an actual sacrament, since grace is not actually conferred upon the person, it's just a proclaimation of what has already happened in that person's heart. She also talks about another kind of baptism--"the baptism of the Holy Spirit," which manifests itself through the gift of tongues. So, according to my friend, I don't have the Holy Spirit in me because I've never been blessed with tongues.

So, my question is... what is the Catholic Church's teaching on the Holy Spirit and Baptism? Is the Holy Spirit conferred through the traditional Sacrament of Baptism? What does the Church have to say about tongues?

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10/15 - St. Teresa of Avila


A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ for the conferral of grace. Baptism is exactly this, and it does confer grace through the workings of the Holy Spirit. One does not need supranatural phenomena in order to "prove" baptism - indeed, the devil has reign over matter as well, and he can produce "tongues" in people too. Be very cautious when someone says that they've had "the gift of tongues" - not to say that it does not occur, just be discerning about what you do and do not accept. Hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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