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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Canon Law

Guest Aluigi

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Guest Aluigi

Today in history class, my teacher (who is a Catholic) (oh yeah, and a nutty socialist, it's kinda funny) mentioned something about how Kerry is Catholic. well, I laughed out loud, and we got into a discussion and I said, no Kerry is not a Catholic in good standing because of his stance on abortion. and somehow we got into this canon law thing, i prolly mentioned cannon 950 or somethin like that, but he said, yeah but Canon law also says if you miss 3 masses you have to go through catechesis again. I asked him if it was 1983 or 1917 that said that, and he had no clue, i guess he didn't even know there was a new one or something (funny story, he's the craziest mix you'll ever find! a socialist liberal who's also kinda pre-vatican ii, but when he's in croatia he's a nazi! LOL) anyway, can anyone find me what the heck he's talking about??!!! i know it's objectively a mortal sin to miss mass, but i'm pretty sure there's no specifications about 3 masses and you're out or something...

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It's definately not in the 1983 code. I have never seen nor heard of such a thing from the 1917 Code either, but I would have to look again to give a sure answer.

Catholic socialist huh? Graham Greene fan, perhaps?

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I've searched all through the 1983 Code and everywhere else online and came up with nothing, I would love to know where he came up with this.

God Bless,

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This made me curious. You have to ask you teacher where he got this idea. It will be interesting to find out where this notion came from. :)

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