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The Frustration Venting Thread

Thy Geekdom Come

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='StColette' date='Oct 11 2004, 01:39 AM'] Ugh !! :wall: don't ask [/quote]
I don't have to ask. I know what's up... :(

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Her sleeping schedule has been off ever since Thursday. Usually she's out by around 11:30, I know, it seems late, but thats sort of our "family schedule" because Matt works a little later into the evening so we stay up later to have time together with him not working--we also sleep late into the morning (sometimes I even sleep into the early afternoon, pregnancy does that to me...). Thursday, however, I went out with my friends and left Adrienne with Matt. He went out and played poker and didn't get home till after midnight. Adrienne had fallen asleep but woke up. Waking up was what has thrown off the schedule for the past several days. I wish I'd stayed home with her instead of going out... I mean, I'm glad I got to go out, I had alot of fun, but for the sake of sleep I wish I'd decided not to go since Matt wanted to go play poker. I thought he'd get home sooner, though, and thats why I decided to go out after all. Oh well, it'll get back to normal in a couple days.

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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Theologian in Training

I am sorry and I know you guys are really venting here, but I just have to laugh. I am actually finding this quite entertaining, not because you are guys are in pain, but because we all have these days, we all know what these days feel like, and yet we always manage to get through them in the end. Somehow everything works itself out and, to quote a song from the radio, "it all means nothing in the end."

Besides, this is what sitcoms are made of :)

God Bless

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^ :rolleyes:

i'm frustrted at my mom b/c she can't accept the fact that i'm not 10 years old anymore and that i can take care of myself

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I'm frustrated with my dad because he hasn't realized that I am 18 now and in college and I'm a big girl who should be allowed to decide when I want to go to bed and stop pming (he's made it so I can't use the internet past 12)! I mean come on! He trusts me to spend a week all alone, he trusts me that I could go on a road trip this summer, but he doesn't trust that I can decide it's 12:00 and I can figure out myself that I need to go to bed! GRRRRRRRR!!!! When will he realize I'm not a little girl anymore!!!!

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mister peterson was in his room with the door open...and my friend was there. and mister peterson wasn't wearing any pants! :scream:

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my friend is being bullied by this other girl who sends really horrible text messages to her and calls her fat and says she smells like a chippy ( she isnt fat and doesnt smell like a chippy, but anyway) and she told my friend that she wished she would die and that she hopes they find her lying dead in a ditch soometime soon. ok, anger has left, bye bye abger and frustration.

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