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What do y'all think about this article?


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Jesus was (is) present in this world, but His Death wasn't exactly perfection on our parts. He gives Himself perfectly, we don't.

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Mary's Knight, La

i think it was CMom who pointed out the author living in alexandria, La. as that's where I live, allow me to share something about the community:

While we have many hardcore catholics, there is also a definite... progressive (that's a nice safe word) leaning. So what she wrote very likely does contain some errors but if she's like most of the catholics around here, it's unlikely that the errors are there to push an agenda but just oversights. If pushed most catholics in this area come up on the side of tradition.

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That article definately has a negative slant towards the old mass, which is wrong. It could be more positive all around too.

But I would think twice about moving parishes. I have a tendency to be drawn to really great, hardcore parishes too, but I believe we have an obligation, unless something is SERIOUSLY wrong at your parish, to build up and be an example to the parish where we live.

Our parishes should be community AND eucharistically centered, so if one is lacking, we should be positive about it and try and set an example and proimote the other.

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Clearly the mass is all God centered and should be. In him we live and breathe
and have our being. He has created time, the very atoms of our being and
the conditions in the universe that make our small lives possible.

Note that the community element is quite important in the mass as well as is written about in the Vatican II documents. Paul also speaks explicitly about the "body of Christ" being the community of believers. So, the community element should be quite important as well (once again read the Vatican II documents.)

Also, the mass contains a heavily eschatological element. In heaven all
will be gathered around the lamb who was slain and proclaim his praises...
"Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb who was slain." So as Christians, all Christians;
Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant should seek to be one proclaiming the praises
to the Lamb.... That is a big part of the reason I became Catholic...

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