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roommates and standing Up for morals


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Just a question for all yall college students and former college students. How do you deal with a roommate that's starting to enjoy what one might call "snuggly time" with his girlfriend. She's got a reputation for being a bit of a....harlot....(as if that really mattered)....anyway, he's oblivious. Everytime i walk in, it seems, the door is shut and lights are off. They are usually in his bed watching a movie. Usually the movies are not fatithfully uplifting in the least (you know, American Pie, Dogma, Jay n Silent Bob, etc.) They havent done anything more than snuggle as far as i've seen but you never know. It just makes me wonder. To make matters worse, there is no tv in the room and he hasn't got a computer. So, they watch their movies on my laptop. I know that's gotta stop. I really shouldn't have ever let him watch movies in the first place on my computer. It was a tough decision though, considering we'd just met and i didn't want to seem like a jerk. Plus, he watched somewhat decent movies at first and it wasn't during "snuggle time." I think the thing that bothers me the most is, I'm Catholic, he's Catholic, and so is she. The two of them are kinda half-booty when it comes to faith.I get along with both of them. I guess it just bothers me that they don't see the chains on their souls. It's also unneccessary pressure on [i]my[/i] soul and for me to let it go on would be sinful for me too. That would be saturating myself in an environment contrary to my faith, and in escence, drinking spiritual poison. I'm not gonna just sit back and let them fall into a pit that i've fallen into before. I don't want to see them make the same mistakes i made. We all know snuggle time can lead to so much more. I guess the bottom line is, he's getting more and more comfortable with his 50% of the room and I just don't know how to tell him about it. All i know is that it's gotta stop.

My first reaction is to tell him straight up that its, stupid, immoral, sinful, inconsiderate, uncomfortable, disgusting, , etc. I'm definately an in-your-face, tell-it-like-it-is kinda guy. That's mostly due to my spiritual advisor back home. That's mostly how i grew in living faithfully was by him calling me out on things. I've gotta realize though, that i do [i]live[/i] with this guy and that whatever storm i brew up, im gonna have to live with. I also want him to realize what he's doing and shape up. How should i go about supporting my morals? Any suggestions?

Yea, in case you're wondering, i'm praying about the matter too. That would be a bit silly if i wasn't. When it comes to it, it's in God's hands and i've got no control. Just pray for me anyway.

-in faith, hope, and Christ,


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Word Joe!

I went through the same thing a little while back with my room mate..hahaha

Well, Like I said...I would ease into the subject of chastity...Like you may want to put a sweet Pro-Chastity background on your computer so when they go to watch a movie they see it...or something dope like that...Maybe a sweet Chastity Poster with two wedding rings that says, "Slip on these for best sex..."

Much love and prayer's,


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very clever, andy..hehe. Yea maybe they're taking the multitude of pro-life signs in my room the wrong way. I should probably sport the abstinence too. Its probably a good idea to get a silent message across. I wonder when my eucharistic poster will come in...


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Yeah, I would just lock my laptop when I go out. Fuhgeddaboudit. Also, discuss with him how often you want visitors in the room. you don't have to directly address the snuggle time to get rid of it.

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Try to avoid preaching to him, and put this on yourself.

Say, I feel uncomfortable when....

I need to come into the room with seeing...

I appreciate it when...

Your Charity will astound him.

Eventually you will earn the right to speak about chasity to him, and he will listen.

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I would approach this as james described it...Also he know's what it is like to live in St. Augustine Hall...

James you are Hip-Hop Spin! (PS...If you can give me a Novena for the Feast of Corpus Christi I will pray it for you and Katie.)

Totus Tuus,


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so yeah, my room mate is also enjoying plenty of 'snuggle time' with her boyfriend. unfortunately it's not just friendly snuggling, it's super friendly lets-be-so-close-we-could-be-one-person-and-just-share-lungs-cause-lets-face-it-we-dont-breath-too-much-when-we're-together-anyways and it's really uncomfortable. it's super awkward cause when it's not an issue (when he's not in the room) we get along pretty much ok. so bringing it up then would totally ruin the nice little happiness buble that i've got going on. i don't know what to do, so any advice you've got would be helpful, and prayers would be fantastic!
melania :unsure:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

My roomate is kinda like that, and is always having this one guy friend of hers sleeping over, but in her bed... but she just found out today that I want to be a nun, so things may pick up!

My thing is to find a good Christian even better if its a Catholic buddy to "talk/argue" about these issues, and slip your opinions in... be sure they are in the room while it happens... but I like the wallpaper idea...

Also put a password on your computer... one they'll never guess... lol

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 4 2004, 09:16 PM'] My roomate is kinda like that, and is always having this one guy friend of hers sleeping over, but in her bed... but she just found out today that I want to be a nun, so things may pick up!

My thing is to find a good Christian even better if its a Catholic buddy to "talk/argue" about these issues, and slip your opinions in... be sure they are in the room while it happens... but I like the wallpaper idea...

Also put a password on your computer... one they'll never guess... lol [/quote]
I really never understood that "sleeping over" thing...my college has coed floors in my building. They must think that since they are apartments and no one needs to go into the hall to use the restroom, that it's okay, but it's not.

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this has basically already been said, but i think the most important thing is to avoid a "holier then thou" attitude. remember, you are a sinner just like he is. so i think it is necessary to approach your roommate with charity and humility. tell him that it makes you uncomfortable when he does these things in your presence. you may even wish to say to him that you worry about him b/c you realize that two people in bed together could be an occasion for sin. approach it from the standpoint of someone who cares, instead of someone who is being judgmental or harsh. most likely, he will see your love towards him and will be more likely to respond in kind.

love conquers all, brother.

pax christi,

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Sounds like there's a lotta peeps in this boat. thanks phatty.

Edited by Duc_In_Altum
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