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The Generation of Hell...


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[quote name='Enda' date='Oct 3 2004, 04:24 PM'] My reason for saying that is I'm so tired of everyone constantly saying we live in the worst time there has ever been in history (calling our generation "The Generation of Hell" says just that).  Rome was worse.

Can't we all try to help people instead of label them satanic? [/quote]
Every generation thinks theirs was the worst. The only way you learn differently is to hang around long enough to see the generation after you and get some perspective. That and do a lot of reading and talking to old people.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Oct 3 2004, 04:48 PM'] That and do a lot of reading and talking to old people. [/quote]
Which is what I do.

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[quote name='the_rev' date='Oct 3 2004, 11:53 AM'] Hey everyone,

After the Homecoming dance, I cameto the conclusion, Our Generation (Creepy Aliens) is a generation of hell.

The reasons:

1. Guys were kissing ladies who weren't their girlfriends, but their girlfriend wasn't there.

2. Songs from Nelly and Eminem control todays youth.

3. Every song at the dance had at least one or more swearwords, unless it was a slow slong.

There are more reasons why this generation is the generation of Hell... [/quote]
Welcome to every generation before and after you!

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I saw foreplay on the dance floors at the homecoming I went to with Sarcastic Stare. There is a severe lack of morality amongst teens and young adults these days.

But there is hope, because of youth like us! Im not one of those who act in a whorish manner. I cherish my purity. There are more young people out there like us than you think.

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Guest Aluigi

who has ever asked a girl if she forgot to put enough clothing on this morning? raise your hand..

:raises hand:

that's always fun for a slap on the face...

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Thy Geekdom Come

All generations have caused trouble.

I remember the one school dance I went to...my junior year homecoming...

I didn't behave well, either, but I won't scandalize anyone.

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[quote name='Luthien' date='Oct 3 2004, 03:14 PM'] I saw foreplay on the dance floors at the homecoming I went to with Sarcastic Stare. There is a severe lack of morality amongst teens and young adults these days.

What Luthien said is a perfect example of why our generation is the worst there have been since the world began .

Our society now a days is the most morally corrupt and most lacking in purity ever. I mean , compare us to the societies from the 1950s downward , we are horrible ,yes they may have been bad ,but not as bad as we are now ,we are the worst there has been ,I mean ,it was scandalous to see a womans ankle in the 1800s and now look what people accept ,sex ,sex and more sex (and in PUBLIC ,GOSH ) and Im sick of it ,Ive had it up to my eyeballs . Its mostly because our society is full of liberal people who accept anything now a days, like the liberals say " if you want to have sex go ahead its your body anyways " GOSH ,im sick of this carp in our society ,its the acceptance of everything by the liberals that is wrong and its not just them its society in general ,but mostly them .

Sex is sacred and a gift from God to create new life and as an act of romance between a husband and wife to show their love for each other , Im sick of all of our generation using it as a tool to gain pleasure and see each other as objects ,IVE HAD ENOUGH !!!!!!!! Its time for us all to band together and show the world what that pure love club says ,that sex is sacred and we are proud to be virgins and save our virginity for our future spouses and to show this society that we mean it when we say it and that we are sick of their stupid sexual carp they keep doing and accepting !!!!!!!!!!!

I rest my case .

God Bless,

Edited by reelguy227
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Guest T-Bone

I thought my generation was bad, untill I saw the people younger than me...

My hope for the future lies in Jesus, not those who will carry on after I'm in the ground.

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Our generation is not one I am proud of as a whole, but at what point has there been one that anyone could feel that way about?? I commend those of our generation who choose to live the Truth!! They are what will change the world....

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Oct 4 2004, 04:07 AM'] I commend those of our generation who choose to live the Truth!! They are what will change the world.... [/quote]
You said it. We, as the hardcore catholics we are, know. We can see things as black and white, when society sees all gray. These poor, ignorant people under the influence of society have to see the truth. And we are all called to be a light in their darkness. Satan's influence has grown so strong, we have to do our best to fight him. It's up to us, everyone. Live your life so that Jesus and the Holy Spirit can work through you and show light to those in darkness.

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Every generation is looked at by previous generations in the same way. "I don't get it." "They're crazy." etc.

Each generation understands itself, but what we are really talking about is marketing and social influences because God's word has gone unchanged.

Yes, this current generation has it challenges, moreso than any other before. They were failed by the generation of the 60's, the 70's, and the 80's.

All the problems we have go directly back to the 60's generation. Absolutely God-less in every way.

Soon after the sanctity of life was destroyed (Roe Vs. Wade, 1973). It was a time of "MY WILL BE DONE" as opposed to "THY WILL BE DONE." and it continues to this very day (ie Bill Clinton, the God-less John Kerry, etc.).

The current generation stands on the shoulders of the past ones and we are ALL responisble for their behavior.

How can you blame a generation raised by nannies and day care centers? Where Church is NOT part of their lives. Where they know more friends in a single parent home than they do anything else? How about a child being raised like a pet by a homosexual couple?

Hell came a long time ago, you just didn't start feeling the burn until now.

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