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The Generation of Hell...


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Hey everyone,

After the Homecoming dance, I cameto the conclusion, Our Generation (Creepy Aliens) is a generation of hell.

The reasons:

1. Guys were kissing ladies who weren't their girlfriends, but their girlfriend wasn't there.

2. Songs from Nelly and Eminem control todays youth.

3. Every song at the dance had at least one or more swearwords, unless it was a slow slong.

There are more reasons why this generation is the generation of Hell...

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Brother Adam

Every generation contains its societies and parts of society that are depraved in sexually perverse, morally perverse, and ethically perverse sin. What rap "artists" stand for is not much different than what those who worshipped Baal stood for in the ancient times. It makes our call to be a light in the world all the much greater.

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My reason for saying that is I'm so tired of everyone constantly saying we live in the worst time there has ever been in history (calling our generation "The Generation of Hell" says just that). Rome was worse.

Can't we all try to help people instead of label them satanic?

Edited by Enda
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[quote name='the_rev' date='Oct 3 2004, 01:53 PM'] Hey everyone,

After the Homecoming dance, I cameto the conclusion, Our Generation (Creepy Aliens) is a generation of hell.

The reasons:

1. Guys were kissing ladies who weren't their girlfriends, but their girlfriend wasn't there.

2. Songs from Nelly and Eminem control todays youth.

3. Every song at the dance had at least one or more swearwords, unless it was a slow slong.

There are more reasons why this generation is the generation of Hell... [/quote]
THIS generation is the generation of hope, my generation was the generation of hell. We were taught morals and freely chose to disregard them.
Your generation is not as culpable as mine. :(

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Guest Aluigi

ehh.. in the bible they spoke of their generation as an unclean generation... we can speak of our generation as being wrong.

anyway, right now the society has grown more technological, but yet more primative, tearing down morality and civilization following their own desires. we should speak out against it. that is what the_rev was doing.

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I believe it was Chesterton that said something along these lines (maybe not quite word for word but) "There is a thin line between over civilization and barbariansm"

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