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Another Baptism Topic

Jake Huether

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Jake Huether

I got into a discussion with a Penticostle at work today. A really cool guys. I totally like him. I think God placed him in my group for a reason...


He believes that Baptism should be done in the name of Jesus only... As in, "I baptise you in the name of Jesus".

I explained to him how "in the name of Jesus" is really saying "as Jesus commanded". And so the Apostles baptised "as Jesus commanded", which was in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - just as Jesus commanded.

He said that Jesus was teaching the Apostles that since He is God, Jesus is the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In other words, "Father", "Son", and "Holy Spirit" are merely titles to the One God named Jesus...


I learned that I'm such a poor verbal apologist. I'm much better in writing. But anyway.

Just though I would see if there were any Penticostles who could confirm or deny this, and if they can confirm it, lets discuss...

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Oct 2 2004, 06:45 PM'] would a baptism not in the Name of the Blessed Trinity be valid? i don't think it would :unsure: [/quote]
You're correct; it would be invalid.

Bro. Adam and Jake -- there are some Pentecostal sects that only baptize in the name of Jesus and deny the Trinity, saying that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all just different names for Jesus.

If Jesus was Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that would mean that whenever He prayed He was talking to Himself! We know that wasn't the case. Jesus isn't the Father or the Holy Spirit -- He's the Son. Yet we also know that God is one God in three persons. But to say that Jesus is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit isn't orthodox Christian teaching.

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Jake Huether

As usual, you are absolutly right Dave.

The Athanasian Creed is an excelent source for an explenation of the Doctrine of the Trinity. Unfortunatly, I think that this particular Pentecostal denom believes that Athanasia was in error.

Another great explenation of the Blessed Trinity is this book I'm reading is "Theology for Beginers" by Sheed. (Thanks Quietfire).

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there are some "Oneness" pentecostals that go by "Jesus only" for everything. i think they pretty much reject the trinity, or at least say that the trinity is just different parts of Jesus. i don't know, it's kinda weird.

i think those are also the ones that believe that if you do not speak in tongues, that you aren't really a Christian, something like that.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Oct 4 2004, 06:25 PM'] my bad dave, i ripped you off [/quote]
I'm gonna come up to Connecticut and subject you to the most painful, medieval tortures ever dreamed up! Be afraid! Be VERY afraid! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Just playin', bro; it's all good! :cool:

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Oct 2 2004, 04:59 PM'] holy cow. that's an odd pentacostal. Everyone I know of, including one pastor uses the correct formula. [/quote]
He's a oneness pentecostal, and a heretic.

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Yeah, there are Pentecostals that baptize in the name of Jesus only, and that is a resurrection of the Sabellian heresy.

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Jake Huether

I don't know if I'd go so far as to say this particular individual is in heresy. I think he, like many, has just been lied to. It will be a happy day in heaven when those who are misleading God's sheep change their evil ways.

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[quote name='Jake Huether' date='Oct 2 2004, 03:39 PM'] He said that Jesus was teaching the Apostles that since He is God, Jesus is the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In other words, "Father", "Son", and "Holy Spirit" are merely titles to the One God named Jesus...

Actually, Jake, I meant that the underlying premise that you're coworker quoted is a resurrection of the Sabellian heresy.

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Jake Huether

Right you are...

I did a search on "the oneness doctrine". Was stamped out before the 5th century. Unfortunatly these peeps are convinced that it was the Church that was in heresy, and in fact the oneness doctrine heresy was right. I suppose we can only pray that the Holy Spirit speaks to them. I'm also going to recommend him to read Theology for begginers, which explains so perfectly the Trinity.

God bless.

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