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Little Justin's probably standing at the edge of Heaven with my older brother Andrew (stillborn) saying "Don't pray for me. Pray for my mother." :sadder:

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aw well sorry for the mistake but whatever!! Happy Birthday for all the times I have missed !! ^_^

All of you up there, we remember you!!
My brother and sister are there too. :) I love yall!!

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Noel's angel

My parish priest did an amazing homily on abortion today, it was so brilliant, i was actually thinking of asking for a written copy of it because it was just so amazing

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='azaelia' date='Oct 3 2004, 05:08 PM'] Little Justin's probably standing at the edge of Heaven with my older brother Andrew (stillborn) saying "Don't pray for me. Pray for my mother." :sadder: [/quote]

As most of you know, my brother was three months premature, so abortion is a very important issue in my family...especially seeing what he is capable of, having been born at two trimesters.

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GO LAURA !!!!!!! I wouldve done the same thing ,you did well standing up for what you believe in against immeasurable odds ,great and awesome job defending God and His Church , I salute you ,lol . Its awesome what you did ,good job .

God Bless,

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Ugh, that's horrible! First, you can tell your friend that killing animals and killing babies are two different things. The wrongness of killing human beings has nothing to do with mental capacity. If that was the case, the right to life would be conditional and quantitative, i.e., it could be argued that people of superior mental capacity are more worthy of life than the average person. It could also be argued that the mentally challenged could be killed at the whim of the more intelligent. Of course, that's pretty darn worrisome!

As for animals, they simply don't have the same dignity human beings have. I've found that many of the arguments animal "rights" activists use are rather circular. For instance, some of them believe that there are no ethical and moral differences between humans and animals; thus, they believe that killing an animal is tantamount to killing a child. Their reasoning is usually circular because if they believe that we're the same as animals, why should we be held to higher standards? Animals eat other animals, and no one freaks out about that. It's a bit inconsistent that many of them don't have problems with that. After all, if we're just animals, why can't we eat animals like other animals do? Another point they tend to overlook is the part we humans play in the ecosystem. Think of it this way: If spiders didn't kill and eat flies and other insects, there would be ecological imbalance. Animals, believe it or not, have important ecological roles to play, yet it's also important for animals to eat other animals to keep nature in line. It's God's way of keeping things regulated. Biologically speaking, we're part of the food chain. We have an important role to play in the regulation nature, especially since God has given us stewardship over creation. If no one hunted deer, there'd be too many of them. Their food supplies would be exhausted, and many of them would starve. Starvation isn't exactly a quick, painless death, and who likes to see animals suffer? Animal "rights" activists claim they don't. Plus, if we didn't eat chickens, cows, pigs, etc., and if we left them to do their own thing, we'd be competing with them for food. They'd be breeding like crazy with no one to regulate their population by killing them and eating them. That would be horrible for us and for them!

You should also tell your friend that all human embryologists believe that life begins at conception. That human life begins at conception is a scientific fact. Your friend might try to say that the tiny being isn't a human person because he or she doesn't think and feel. Tell her that unconscious people don't think and feel, and that doesn't make it okay to kill them. If she says something like, "But it's just a little blob of cells," tell her there's no fundamental human difference between her and that "little blob of cells," being that both she and the tiny baby have their own DNA. They're both living, growing human beings.

As for your friends' arguments on homosexuality and such, you might want to read some apologetics pages on the 'Net. Phatmass has a good directory of sites you can check out. Read 'em up so you'll be ready for your friends if they decide to bring this up again.

Honestly, it seems to me that your friends aren't very tolerant of your views. I find that rather hypocritcal, really, because your friends seem to lean a bit to the Left -- and it's no secret that a big (supposed) staple of Leftism is "tolerance." I suspect that with many of them, tolerance only applies to those who hold their views. Are you in high school? If so, your friends might still be a bit immature. I'm not saying that to make fun of them, but that might be why they act so insensitive towards you. It's one thing to disagree with someome (even on a lot of things), but it's another thing to act like a jerk and treat someone like carp. If they continue to disrespect you, you might want to consider cutting them loose.

Anyhow, I hope this helps. If you need any more advice, let me know.

God bless,


P.S. God bless you for sticking up for life! You're a soldier; keep on truckin'! :D

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One more thing: To your friend who said it's wrong to say that homosexual relations are wrong "because that's who they are, and it's wrong to deny that," I'd point out that serial killers often have great desires to go out and kill people. Just because the desire is there doesn't mean they should do it.

God bless,


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Agreed, do people with pedophilia deny who they are if they don't have sex with children?
Homosexuality is a disorder even if society wants to close it's eyes to it (don't mean to sound uncharitable, just stating a point. I pray for my brethren who struggle with homosexuality so they may deal with it righteously... many do).

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Ash Wednesday

Bless your heart, hughey. You're one brave and wonderful soul.

I agree with Sinner about the pearls and swine. I have a friend and we used to talk about these issues a lot more than we do now, but it's become a lot of strain on our friendship. Her heart is simply not as open to the Catholic viewpoint (my viewpoint, too...) as it has been in the past, so now I choose battles more wisely and pray for her.

What helps a lot with these really volatile discussions is to try to diffuse the situation a bit. When dealing with "angry loud liberal" types I try to start off my viewpoint with something like "I understand why you would feel this way, and I realize this is a very sensitive issue, but..." like what St. Paul talks about in his letters about leveling with the person, and starting where they are at. (Being a Jew to a Jew, a gentile to a gentile...) It's always more constructive in discussion to acknowledge the opposing viewpoint before counterpointing, and most of all doing it with compassion. (It's easy to get really mad!) If the anger and heavy emotion is diffused, it's more likely the person will listen to you. That's not always a guarantee, but it helps.

Now on the other hand:

[quote]"If we can kill baby goats which have a mental capacity that exceeds that of a newborn baby then why can't we kill the babies too?"[/quote]

This girl really needs to go back and think about what it is she just said.

Especially the "why can't we kill the babies too" part.

Good lord. :shame:

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Jennifer, thanks so much for your advice. I appreciate the reply!! :) I am in high school, a senior. I would have thought that by now most of them would be coming around. Apparently I was wrong.

I think the girl who said, "If we can kill baby goats which have a mental capacity that exceeds that of a newborn baby then why can't we kill the babies too?" was looking for a laugh. Things like this tend to get laughs from that crowd and she got what she wanted. She even got a response to "play off of" that comment. It sickens me. <_<

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Just thought I'd throw this in
(A)To get more people to check out the apologetics board and
(B)To provide more information on abortion as it is viewed by Catholics


Edited by hugheyforlife
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AGAIN!! im not complaining....

my director did it today. he was doing it to get a rise out of me. he will do anything to do that. so you know what i did.... i stayed calm!! ^_^ and it worked. he apologized and stopped with the dead baby jokes and made the two others stop too. he doesnt support abortion and i told him that i didnt appreciate him acting as if it were okay when we both knew what a disrespect for human life it truly was....

i honestly thought about every comment i got after posting this.... and i thank you all.
while these thoughts flooded my head before, it made me more confident and i considered everything more than i ever have before reacting to anything. yall are wonderful. thanks!!

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