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yeah. i don't think i'm all that smart but i hope that doesn't mean i don't deserve to live!

....goats indeed..... what a sick comment....

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I would have yelled right back...but then again...I'm not exactly the most loving person when it comes to defending my faith :unsure:

You did a good job, you didn't back down. :group:
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Thy Geekdom Come

Laura, I'm very proud of you.

Not only did you show wisdom in your own beliefs, but you showed courage in defending them. You may not have convinced them of the truth, but you did win the argument, solely because you spoke the truth.

Have patience with your peers, as I'm sure you did. I know that it's difficult. I have to deal with very similar things as well. Have pity on them and remember that they are being lied to constantly by our media, our educational system, and, I'm sorry to say, often even our parents. I'm certain that you were charitable, but if it helps, think of them not as enemies to be conquered, but as slaves to be liberated, and recall that a slave cannot be liberated against his will, but if you show him freedom, and he sees how great it is, then he will gladly accept it.

This is what our world is crying out for: liberty (and no, I'm not preaching liberation theology). We cry out for the true freedom, a freedom from sin, that comes only in following Christ and His teachings. Unfortunately, Satan likes to twist things and make us think that the laws which are fulfilled in Christ hold us back from true freedom in God. Satan likes to confuse the issue and make freedom a thing which we have to [i]grasp[/i] for [i]ourselves[/i]. Freedom is the fruit of divine love and mercy, and we cannot grasp that high. When we do, we will only be left holding something terribly inferior. And when we grasp it for ourselves, then we grasp it in vain. It is meant to be at the service of others and of God.

This is what they are searching for. This is what they want. You have to show them, first by their actions and then "use words, if necessary," that you, in following Christ and wearing His yoke and carrying your cross, have found freedom from sin.

You and they have my prayers.

You have made me very, very proud.

God bless,


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good job standin up to those people man, this world is just freakin messed up and im sick and tired of it

it makes me mad to the point of wanting to destroy stuff but i wont do that- although i wish i could

prayer my freind, prayer
thats all i can say

pray for these people and all the other ones like them

and read up on the apologetics board

ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I HATE WHAT THIS WORLD HAS COME TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:irate: :irate: :irate: :irate:

i'll get back to you on the rest, i'm just ticked about the goats = humans thing.

:irate: :irate: :irate: :irate:

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You did a fantastic job! I am very impressed and delighted. So what if you cried? You showed passion and zeal. Don't be surprised at some people's reaction. It isn't you, but the message. Some people don't want to hear that God loves everybody and only wants them to turn from their sins and to Him. They killed Jesus for it. God has blessed you 10 times more than what you suffered. Try and be thankful for that.

The baby-goat thing was simply a sophmoric and sick attempt at humor.

Pray about that night. Without a doubt, there were some people (despite how it seems with what they said) that your words made a impression. A pearl starts off as an irritating grain of sand. Thank God for the opportunity. Thank God for the Grace He gave you to share His love. Pray for more grace of patience. Pray to be loving and open if some of your group comes to you to discuss this more without the "rest" of the group. Pray to be ready with kind, patient, and loving answers. Pray to be as Christlike as possible when the opportunity arises again.

You and your friends will be in my prayer intentions tonite at a Mass.

Again, FANTASTIC JOT!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Thanks everyone. All of you have been very encouraging and I appreciate it.

The dance was last night and it was obvious that some of my group was not exactly happy with me. It wasn't a big deal to me because I knew that I had Him with me. I had a good time and I think my date had an okay time despite the circumstances.

Some of these people have said something else about it to me and I actually did have a conversation with one of them about it. We never finished but promised to sometime in this upcoming week.

I pray for those who are aborted before they have the chance to serve God in this life!! I pray too for the mothers who, for whatever reason, decided that they couldn't or didn't want to go through with the pregnancy.

Thanks again everyone. Love to all!!
God bless,
Laura Thomas

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Im so proud you. The babies in heaven are giggling with delight!

Godbless you again, and again, without exception!

You and I share a name by the way. ;)

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[quote name='Luthien' date='Oct 3 2004, 03:24 PM'] You and I share a name by the way. ;) [/quote]
hehe ^_^ i know.... lauras are the coolest hehe ^_^

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As I've said before...somebody very dear to me had an abortion, and I was one of many people encouraging her. The baby would be 8 today. I found out in March that she was going to name the baby after me.

And she is permenantly scarred, although perhaps she does not realize to what extent. Prayers for your friends, Hughey. Some people just have to learn the hard way. (I was one such person). Hopefully they will learn.
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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Oct 3 2004, 04:01 PM'] Justin (baby one) you are remembered!! Happy Birthday!! [/quote]
oh...I didn't mean today was his birthday. I didn't know how to word that. But pray for him anyway!

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