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So tonight was homecoming (the game) and I went with my group to a small tex-mex restaurant by the school. We were sitting at the table having a nice dinner when someone brought up the elections.

We went from who won the debates to not being able to be a liberal Catholic (which i denied to an extent) and then it came to agreeing with abortion and Catholicism.

I said it's not possible to be Catholic and support abortion. They of course all turned on me and started telling me how abortion was just fine and that I was messed up in the head for thinking otherwise. Anyway, it was all fine, I was able to talk rationally about it until my friend, who is supposed to be Catholic, chimed in. She said this to me:

"If we can kill baby goats which have a mental capacity that exceeds that of a newborn baby then why can't we kill the babies too?"

((Actually by this point i was being yelled at))

I cried. I couldn't help it. I did. I don't know if anyone noticed but I was so shocked by what she was saying. I couldn't believe my ears!!

The girl next to her leaned over and goes "yeah and I heard babies taste better anyway."

I wanted so badly to just get up and leave right then but I stayed and told them how wrong it was that they were saying these things.

Another girl at the table said to the whole group, "Yeah! and ask her about homosexuality and capital punishment and masturbation and all that other stuff." So of course someone said that Catholics hate homosexuals. I told them it wasn't true that we just didn't believe in having homosexual relations. So this girl sitting a few seats down yells in my face, "You can't do that!! You can't just not have sex!! That's denying who you are!!" to which i replied, "No, its not denying who you are. It's accepting it and choosing to do the right thing. It's choosing NOT to sin."

At this point the girl was like "everyone just stop talking about it she obviously can't control herself." I started to get up to leave and she was like "just sit down and shut up its not a big deal."

I was so angry and so hurt. I can't believe the things I heard from those people!!
I am really hurt. I am. They knew how I felt and they did it to get to me but it does bother me even more because of the awful things they said about babies. I cried and (I'm not admitting that:) I'm crying now. How can people say such things?!?!

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

People are meanie heads and like torturing us good Catholics... :P

I'm sorry you had to deal with this, but you were strong and voiced your opinions, which is very good!

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I posted about this in the apologetics board as well. I asked what yall think I should have done to defend our faith in such a situation. It happens a lot and I always end up being shut up by this one girl. I don't know what to do!!

It'd be awesome if yall would just post in the apologetics board to answer that question. We need more people in there and really I started a whole thread just for answers to this question so go there!! please.

edit for added link: [url="http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=21282"]http://phorum.phatmass.com/index.php?showtopic=21282[/url]

Edited by hugheyforlife
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Yes I myself admire u .... It's good to see more our generation going out there and Taking action ..... only one voice will be heared and tha is us...

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i feel like im taking crzy pills

That was soo shocking what those people said. That was soo mean and uncool. <_< But ya know what, it is so awesome that you stood up against what they were saying. If they were yelling those things at me, I would go find a corner and cry.. :sadder:

Snaps for you!!! :D

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Thanks yall. I am still struggling with this whole situation and will continue to struggle tonight. Prolly even more so then than I have this whole time. Please keep me in your prayers.

with love in Christ,
Laura Thomas

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Sinner's right. It would be easier to say this if I could swear, but... :angry:
Those...people...aren't worth your time. I say forget them. They are the epitome of swine, and you are wasted on them. If I had been there I would have left, and I would never talk to them again. They are not helping you, and you can't reach them. Those sick...geniuses :angry: . Disgusting comments. Equating a goat with a human. I can't believe them. These are people you need to avoid, always. If that hurts them, so what? They do not deserve to be graced by your presence.

I'm so mad. I hate people like that, and I wish I could be violent against them. :dead:

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[quote]"If we can kill baby goats which have a mental capacity that exceeds that of a newborn baby then why can't we kill the babies too?"[/quote]

What makes me sick is that they call it a baby...They're condoning murder of a baby...they're sick and demented either way but..jeez. God Bless you Laura :P

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 2 2004, 10:31 AM'] Mental Capacity does not make people human. [/quote]

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im seriously sick to my stomache (also because my hair is in curlers and they make my face look huge :P ) but yeah im totally repulsed by their comments. ugh. everytime i think about it i get more and more frustrated with such evil ways.

I am not going to be hateful, for this is not right and good either. I will pray even harder though!! I will be praying all night long. The devil shall not prevail against me!!

Please phamily, pray for those who refuse to let the love of God into their hearts!!

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