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Making A Good Confession?

Guest crazy_dewmaster

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Guest crazy_dewmaster

Any input on utilizing the Sacrament of Reconciliation properly and with reverence would be appreciated.


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How to Make a Good Confession

Monsignor James Lavin, a priest and campus confidant at the University of St.Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota

“Confession is a sacrament of coming to peace with God,” Lavin says. “It shouldn’t be a torture chamber.”

The most important element of a good Confession? “Be sorry,” the 82-year-old priest says. “To do that, we start out with knowing our sins, which requires an examination of conscience.”

Examination of conscience means two things: 1) mentally reviewing your sins since your last Confession (“If you only have to go over a month or two of sins, it’s pretty easy. If you have to go over 20 years, it’s a little harder,” Lavin points out) and 2) distinguishing between mortal sins and venial ones.

Mortal sins, like intentionally driving into someone’s car, require Confession. Venial sins, like spreading a bit of juicy gossip you read in the National Enquirer, don’t. With venial sins, “Pick out one or two you really want to work on,” Lavin says, especially if there’s a long line behind you.

Lavin likens the actual confession to a doctor’s visit: “It’s a lot easier if you say where it hurts or what the symptoms are.” In other words, be specific. Also, focus. “If all you tell me about is your ailments, that’s not your confession. How do you react to those troubles?” Lavin asks.

Most of all, don’t get worked up. If all else fails, Lavin concludes, “the priest will help you tell what is necessary.”

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