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I have an assignment, and it is to find all the church's teachings on sex. Basically the Catechism.

If you could provide me with some CCC numbers, I'd greatly appreciate!

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affects all aspects of the human person, 2332, 2362
chastity and, 2337, 2395
commandment pertaining to, 2336
concerns the capacity to love, 2332
dignity of, 2362
disordered, 2351-57, 2380, 2388-90
diversity and complementarity of the sexes, 369-73, 1605, 2333
equal dignity of man and woman, 369, 2334, 2393
fertility and, 2370
importance of the conjugal union, 2335
integration of sexuality in the human person and chastity, 2337
man is created male and female, 355, 383
modesty and chastity, 2522
significance of sexuality in marriage, 2360-63
See also [b]Marriage (Matrimony)[/b]

[b]Marriage (Matrimony)[/b]
bond is perpetual and exclusive, 1638
conjugal fidelity, 1646, 1648-49, 2364
consummation of, 1640
divorce of separated persons about to remarry civilly, 1650
effects of, 1638-42
freedom to contract, 1625, 1628-29
in God's plan, 1601
goods and requirements of conjugal love, 1643
greatness of, 1603
matrimonial chastity, 2349
mixed marriages and disparity of cult, 1633-37
nullity of, 1629
in the order of creation, 1603-05
in the preaching of the apostle Paul, 1616
in the preaching of Jesus, 1612-15
renouncing, 1618
in Sacred Scripture, 1602
as a sign of the covenant of Christ and the Church, 1617
under the pedagogy of the Law, 1609-11
under the regime of sin, 1606-08
sexuality in marriage and its significance, 2360-62 (see also Sexuality)
See also Divorce; Sacrament(s)

fecundity, 2366-72, 2373-779
and adoption of children, 2379
children as the gift of, 2378
as cooperation with the love of God, the Creator, 2367
openness to, 1652-54
periodic continence and the regulation of birth, 2370
and procreation to be regulated, 2368
as a great suffering, 2374
and medical techniques, 2375-77
and significance of conjugal life, 1654

purposes of marriage
cooperation with the Creator's work, 372
directed toward the salvation of others, 1534
good of the spouses, 1660
as man's vocation, 372, 1604-05
procreation and education of offspring, 1652-53, 2366
transmission of life, 372, 2363

indissolubility of marriage, 1644-45
fidelity of conjugal love, 1646-48
the marriage bond, 1639-40
marriage in the words of Jesus, 1614-15
matrimonial consent, 1625
as an essential element, 1626
as the foundation of the indissolubility of marriage, 1601, 1627, 2367
nullity of marriage, 1629
as a requirement of conjugal love, 1644
significance and nature of matrimonial consent, 1627-28
transmission of faith in the domestic Church, 1656
unity and marriage in the Old Law, 1610-11

as a sacrament, 1601-58
celebration of, 1621-24, 1627
as consecration, 1535
ecclesiastical form of celebrating, 1630-31
grace of the sacrament of, 1641-42
main effects of, 1638-40, 2365
mixed marriage and disparity of cult, 1633-37
preparation for, 1632
raised to the dignity of a sacrament, 1601

offenses against the dignity of, 2380-91
adultery, 2380-81
divorce, 2382-86
free union and concubinage, 2390
incest, 2388
polygamy, 1645, 2387
sexual relations contracted before marriage, 2391

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Also from "Love and Responsibility" the Chapter on Betrothed love really does a good job on answering your question, although I am not sure it is on line. However the library might have it.

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when you go thru all the paragraphs from the CCC i listed, check out the footnotes also and that will give you a wealth of even more documents

were you able to find what you needed?

holla back,

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