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Personal Apologetics website


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I thought I'd put this here as it would be most interesting for those in this forum. Move if need be. I just wanted to say that I am currently working on some free yahoo pages that will contain as much of my personal apologetics work as I can get on there. I've never done this before so it'll take some time to get the whole thing up and running. Just a little project of mine I thought I'd share.

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awesome, keep us updated. i'll link to it in the reference section, which will boost you up the google ratings :D

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Alrighty, will keep ya updated. Basically what I'm doing is setting up a mainpage that will have some basic stuff on it, links to favorite websites stuff like that(got the phatmass on there of course ;) ) Then it's gonna have links to other yahoo pages I'm doing dedicated to different subjects, like one'll cover the eucharist, one the pope, one Mary so and so forth. We'll see how it turns out.

Here's the main page. [url="http://www.geocities.com/fryc86/Catholicism.html"]http://www.geocities.com/fryc86/Catholicism.html[/url]
I'll try and get my stuff on there soon, but my family uses the cpu for school and stuff so I don't get much time on here.

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Alright, guestbook should be in the top lefthand corner. Try it. I'll see if I can move it to a more noticeable spot. I messed something up with the html code, still working on html...

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Okay good. Now I want to put a picture on there, but it's not letting me... It won't let me upload anything... Oh well, I'll figure it out. Time to stop hijacking the apologetics forum with this technical stuff. Let ya'll know when it's done.

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i can help.... i use yahoo to run our theatre page and ive used it to run personal pages as well. if you run into problems and are unable to do something just pm me and ill try to help you out :)

Good luck and God bless!!

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Okay, I can use all the help I can get. I don't really know all that much about messin' with computers. It's alright so far, but it'd be cool if I could make it a lot nicer.

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