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Abortion Facts

Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Sep 30 2004, 04:57 AM'] Worldwide, the lifetime average is about 1 abortion per woman. [/quote]

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Catholic/non-Catholic argument aside, they are grossly misrepresenting what the church stands for in having an abortion...maybe we should say they just weren't very good Catholics when they made that decision. Let's hope all 38% of them have made a turn around!!

Abortion is sad, but what's even worse is woman who are on the pill may not even know about these abortafaciants...i'm speaking from experience here. Unfortunately that's just not somethign they tell you when you go in :( and in all honesty they should. Seriously they need a disclaimer. It seems like doctors now are just so insistant on putting every teenage girl who comes through teir office on birth control that they don't even bother with all the facts. They just assume you need it and that they are doing their part to prevent teen pregnancy. OK that's my rant :) i am finished....life may proceed :D

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Who's having abortions (religion)?
Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; [b]Catholic women account for 31.3%, [/b]Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/E vangelical".

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How terrifying.
You know, the Church has made itself quite clear on abortion. I find it so odd that we no longer attach any importance to what our institutions say, because we are so busy trying to be individuals.

America. Gotta love her.

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I think the sickest fact of all is that over 60% of all abortions are obtained by people who call themselves Christian. That makes me sick to my stomach.

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[quote name='marielapin' date='Sep 30 2004, 10:43 PM'] I think the sickest fact of all is that over 60% of all abortions are obtained by people who call themselves Christian. That makes me sick to my stomach. [/quote]

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