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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='StColette' date='Sep 30 2004, 04:00 AM'] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/StColette/Mary.jpg[/img] [/quote]
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I spiritually adopt who is in danger of aboriton. Amen.
-Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Archbishops suggest you say the above prayer daily for a year in efforts to acheive to goal to end abortion.

Our Lady of Guapalupe is also the protectress of the unborn...

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[quote]you know abortion will not be illegalized with bush (he hasn't done it so far) so how can you decide your gonna vote for him because of this sole topic when he doesn't seem to really care about it much? conservatives confuse me. [/quote]

catholics who chose and think its okay support a [b]PRO-abortion [/b]candidate when they know its a Mortal sin (going against the Catholic Church and what She stands for) and promoting others to do the same..................................................not only confuses me but [b]saddens[/b] me.

your supporting a PRO-abortion candidate shelly, that button is true, because that is what Kerry is for.....

you are by telling us to vote for Kerry (who is for abortion)...and if you vote for him, you will be in grave sin by doing so.

[b][color=blue]you can NOT chose to ignore the fact that Kerry is [/color][/b][b]for[/b] [color=red]baby-killing.[/color]

[b]For the sake of his sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world!!!![/b]

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[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Sep 30 2004, 08:55 AM'] you know abortion will not be illegalized with bush (he hasn't done it so far) so how can you decide your gonna vote for him because of this sole topic when he doesn't seem to really care about it much? conservatives confuse me. [/quote]
[quote]Some may ask if  President Bush is so pro-life why hasn't abortion ended. President Bush has not had an opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice. Also, in practically every effort to protect the unborn President Bush has been opposed mostly by pro-abortion Democrats.[/quote]

[url="http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1140835/posts"]Bush's Pro-Life Record as of May 18, 2004[/url]

I'd rather have someone who is willing to end abortion than someone who is determined to keep it alive.

As for the war:

What about Kosovo?



My .02 cents.

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Several Supreme Court Justices will be retiring during the next term. Bush will at the very least put justices who will examine the issue and hear cases that could limit funding, restrict PBA, support a woman's right to know legislation, etc. Kerry will not put anyone but radical pro abortion judges there. This will effect us LONG after his term.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Sep 30 2004, 08:55 AM'] you know abortion will not be illegalized with bush (he hasn't done it so far) so how can you decide your gonna vote for him because of this sole topic when he doesn't seem to really care about it much? conservatives confuse me. [/quote]
Abortion is the most pressing issue and, while Bush may not be completely pro-life, he is much closer than Kerry. He cut, by Executive Order, all foreign abortion funding. That saves a few million lives in and of itself. Furthermore, he has tried diligently to get pro-life judges on the Supreme Court. He also works against gay marriage and civil unions, recognizing that they, in removing the sanctity from human life and marriage, promote the Culture of Death. It is our moral obligation to vote pro-life first of all. We must vote for whomever serves the cause of life best. The matter of the quality of life can't hold a candle to it, and really doesn't matter, when life itself is not respected. Kerry is actively advocating the murder of millions, Bush is trying to cut that number greatly. There are no proportionate circumstances here, and so, it is a grave evil to vote for John Kerry.

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[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Sep 30 2004, 07:55 AM'] you know abortion will not be illegalized with bush (he hasn't done it so far) so how can you decide your gonna vote for him because of this sole topic when he doesn't seem to really care about it much? conservatives confuse me. [/quote]
By saying that Bush has done nothing for the pro-life cause is simply ignoring facts. I'm not sure if it's intentional or innocent ignorance on your part... Also, it's not even about who's conservative and who's liberal. Honestly, if Kerry didn't advocate killing children, I'd actually vote for him.

You obviously don't consider abortion murder, because no sane person could support a man who promotes such a thing.

I'll pray that you may examine abortion with your heart because nobody will change your mind until you grasp the gravity of how evil the act is.

Abortion is genocide. It's worse than the holocaust and slavery combined.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ


Check out [url="http://www.abortionno.com"]http://www.abortionno.com[/url]

This is what Kerry supports, and refuses to fix. This is also what you support by voting for him. I love you Shelly, but I will argue, but I will not yell or scream about this all, but you need to become aware...

Abortion IS genocide! Just like dUSt said.

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[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Sep 30 2004, 07:55 AM'] you know abortion will not be illegalized with bush (he hasn't done it so far) so how can you decide your gonna vote for him because of this sole topic when he doesn't seem to really care about it much? conservatives confuse me. [/quote]
While I don't know all the facts, I do know one thing for sure that has happened. How about the partial birth abortion bann. that Bush signed itno law earlier this year? I think thats a big step in the right direction. Anyways.....For abortion to be made illegal it is going to take an amendment to the constitution. Thats what we have to shoot for so that it cannot be reversed (easily)

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I know what abortion is. Don't try to tell me what I don't know and that I'm commiting a mortal sin, that's not your place to say that.

ok im done, im not gonna start some big debate here, this is the lame board and debating is not lame

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='shelly_freak' date='Sep 30 2004, 03:38 PM'] I know what abortion is. Don't try to tell me what I don't know and that I'm commiting a mortal sin, that's not your place to say that.

ok im done, im not gonna start some big debate here, this is the lame board and debating is not lame [/quote]
I don't know for certain, but I don't think anyone accused you of a mortal sin. I know I didn't.

However, it is gravely evil, and Church teaching is extremely clear about that.

I am with dUSt. I pray that God changes your heart.

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