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Simpsons At Prayer

Theologian in Training

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[quote]I really hope you do not think I actually meditate upon these prayers.
*prasies God with all the angles and saints*

Allueia! I wa sabout to send you a Bible and a Baltimore catechism my friend.

[quote]I find the Simpsons as something of a cultural icon seeing as they have embedded themselves within society and so I think many find that they relate to the prayers spoken by The Simpsons as you demonstrated yourself.[/quote]
I'm not so sure that's true. I mean the first thing I think of when I hear the name "Homer Simpson" is "stupidity", I really would never want to identify myself with that guy even if I did pray like him.

[quote]I did not make the argument from intelligent design, rather William Dembski did. I merely made reference to it as an example to elucidate on the point that Blazer brought up.[/quote]
I realized that. I wanted to know exactly how it was an argument for ID...

[quote]I am aware that they do not have theological significance on the surface, but any man's struggle with God does presuppose some theological invesitagation and reflection.[/quote]
Homer Simpson is not a real person, and usually even when Hollywood does treat religion with some respect (rarity of rarities) it typically gets how realtionships with God work totally wrong. Take "Signs" for exapmle. Man believes in God. Man stops believeing God. Man sees God. Man believes in God again. In real life it doesn't work that way.

From what I've seen there's only two productions of Hollywood that I'd consider worth studying: "The Passion" and "Joan of Arcadia". I think the latter is espically good for what you seem to be intrested in.

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Enda' date='Sep 30 2004, 06:16 PM'] *prasies God with all the angles and saints*

Allueia! I wa sabout to send you a Bible and a Baltimore catechism my friend.

I'm not so sure that's true. I mean the first thing I think of when I hear the name "Homer Simpson" is "stupidity", I really would never want to identify myself with that guy even if I did pray like him.

I realized that. I wanted to know exactly how it was an argument for ID...

Homer Simpson is not a real person, and usually even when Hollywood does treat religion with some respect (rarity of rarities) it typically gets how realtionships with God work totally wrong. Take "Signs" for exapmle. Man believes in God. Man stops believeing God. Man sees God. Man believes in God again. In real life it doesn't work that way.

From what I've seen there's only two productions of Hollywood that I'd consider worth studying: "The Passion" and "Joan of Arcadia". I think the latter is espically good for what you seem to be intrested in. [/quote]
I think you need to check out the other discussion in the Debate Table.

God Bless

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Brother Adam

"God Bless those Pagans". Has to be the best line in all of the Simpsons

Though Matt Groaning thinks its "I named the big one Whitey" (Homer refering to a pack of possoms

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Theologian in Training

[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 30 2004, 10:18 PM'] "God Bless those Pagans". Has to be the best line in all of the Simpsons

Though Matt Groaning thinks its "I named the big one Whitey" (Homer refering to a pack of possoms [/quote]
Yes, however, it seems some do not like this thread I have started. I never thought it would encounter such opposition...sometimes we need to lighten up a bit....it is a cartoon.

God Bless

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Theologian in Training

[b]Bart:[/b][i] [praying][/i] Well, old timer, I guess this is the end of the road. I know
I haven't always been a good kid, but, if I have to go to school
tomorrow, I'll fail the test and be held back. I just need one more
day to study, Lord. I need Your help!
[b]Lisa:[/b] [i][watching][/i] Prayer... the last refuge of a scoundrel.
[b]Bart:[/b] A teachers strike, a power failure, a blizzard... Anything that'll
cancel school tomorrow. I know it's asking a lot, but if anyone can do
it, You can! Thanking You in advance, Your pal, Bart Simpson.

[b]Lisa:[/b]I heard you last night, Bart. You prayed for this. Now your
prayers have been answered. I'm no theologian; I don't know who or
what God is exactly, all I know is He's a force more powerful than Mom
and Dad put together, and you owe Him big. [i][shuts the door][/i]
[b]Bart:[/b] You're right. [i][removes goggles, hands them to Lisa][/i]
I asked for a miracle, and I got it. I gotta study, man!

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 30 2004, 08:18 PM'] Though Matt Groaning thinks its "I named the big one Whitey" (Homer refering to a pack of possoms [/quote]
That quote is great. :lol:

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='DemonSlayer' date='Oct 1 2004, 12:56 AM'] How did you find that out (and why do they allow the jokes aimed towards the Church)? [/quote]
We own the what, first three, four seasons that are out. I was listening to the commentary last week, and they had asked if they had any 'Christians' on staff, and they said that there were so and so many Protestants, and so and so many Catholics. One of the writers was raised Catholic.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I remember the blessing Bart said when Mr. Burns ate dinner at their house when he was running for governor.

Bart: Dear God, we paid for this food ourselves, so thanks for nothing.

Of course, he was trying to embarass Mr. Burns.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam


But if you really think about it, they really are the typical American family...only exaggerated a little bit! :laugh:

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 30 2004, 08:18 PM'] Though Matt Groaning thinks its "I named the big one Whitey" (Homer refering to a pack of possoms) [/quote]
I always thought the big one's name was Bitey!

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