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7deadly Sins


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  • 2 weeks later...

10/10 - Twenty-eighth Sunday

The seven deadly sins are sins in themselves, but more importantly, they are theological categories into which all sins can fall. They are...

1.) Gluttony - sins that violate the virtue of temperance, whereby one indulges to a radical degree in some sort of sensual desire; eating too much, drunkenness, and similar sins fall into this category.

2.) Avarice/Greed - sins such as an inordinate desire for money, honor or property fall under this category.

3.) Sloth/Laziness - sins such as spiritual lukewarmness fall under this category; sloth speaks more to the spiritual "side" of man than to the physical side (i.e. sitting in front of the TV for hours is sloth, but not the kind of sloth that this category speaks to)

4.) Lust - sins that involve an inordinate desire for sexual pleasure, be it either thoughts or acts.

5.) Pride - the root and cause of all sins; this sin sets one higher than God by preferring self to God and others.

6.) Wrath - sins that involve the disordered use of anger

7.) Envy - sins that involve the deep-rooted desire to take things that belong to others

This just skims over the top of the iceberg, but I hope this helps.

Pio Nono

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