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Mortal Sin And Forgiveness?

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Hi, I've been struggling w/ this issue for about a year now.. I was wondering if you might be able to help. So lets say a person commits a moral sin (i.e masturbation). Now there soul is literally "empty", meaning they have no grace in their soul. Right ? I keep having this image in my mind that when we are in a state of mortal sin, God cannot "see" us and "cuts us off" from Him. Is this right? I know that He always forgives us, but isn't this after we go to confession? And until we are able to recieve confession, I mean since we are pretty much "cut off" from God, what is the use of praying? I mean are prayers aren't being heard are they? And so wouldn't it be all right to just keep commiting mortal sins, becuase God has no relation w/ us? And then confess them all in confession and start out all over again. Any advice you could give would be appreciated verrry much, becuase like I said I've been dealing w/ this issue for about a year, and it is rather depressing, and I don't know what to think. Thanks so much!

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These kind of sins (sexual sins) are grave matter, but the Catechism states that force of habit, immaturity, etc.. lessen culpability. There is an oppressive cycle that can come about with these kind of sins (sins of weakness), especially this particular sin. The trap is the idea that you are utterly cut off from God because of this sin. While mortal sin is destructive to the life of sanctifying grace within us, you are never cut off from God in any real sense. God sees and still love even the worst sinner in the entire world. And God's grace is still operative in your life, the fact that you have faith and have the desire to go to confession and overcome your sins is a mark of God's grace in your life.
The thing about not praying and not resisting temptation after a serious fall is another trick. The truth is after a fall you should be humbled and thus pray even more so that you do not fall into temptation again. True repentence is not hiding from God (like Adam and Even in the garden) it is clinging to God knowing that we are weak and unable to overcome the world, the devil and the flesh with our own strength. And despair has no part in repentence, they cannot even go together. Repentence is a loving, trustful surrender to God, a turning toward Him, not a turning in towards oneself in hopelessness. Before one can truly repent I believe one must know something of God's boundless mercy. Reading the Gospels is one way of deepening this appreciation. Meditate upon the parables and events that reveal the depths of God's mercy and love. And do not dwell on your sins in a morbid, depressing way. St. Catherine of Siena said that you should never consider your own sins without also considering the blood of Christ. By this she meant the unfathomable love of Christ who shed His blood for our sins. Our God held nothing back for us, do not think that he will reject you or abandon you. Christ said to St. Faustina that even if your sins were as many as the grains of sand in the world, He would consume them in the fire of His Love like a piece of straw thrown into a blazing fire.
Scripture says that nothing... NOTHING can seperate us from the love of Christ.
Scripture also says to repent. It is important to repent immediately! Do not put it off until your next confession. As soon as you realize what you've done pray to the God who died to save you from sin, and commend yourself to His infinite mercy. It is also important that you form a resolution to truly never sin again. This is where the Sacrament of Confession is most helpful. Be accountable to a regular confessor.
The main point I should like to stress is that when you allow this sin to drag you down and keep you from prayer you are really just setting yourself up for more falls. This is why it is a destructive cycle. The depression and alienation from God feed the temptations.


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