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Marriage in the catholic church if a priest knows they are living together and they are having prenatal sex why marry them in the catholic church some say well when you let them get married then they wont be sining no more but shouldnt we all follow The teachings of the church

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A couple who is blatantly living in sin (fornication) and has no intention of repenting or anything is not fit for Christian Marriage. For a priest to pretend its ok would be a serious injustice and lack of charity toward the couple. If they were told about the gravity of their state but obstinately stay in a sinful relationship (which would be different then trying to do the right thing but having a fall or falls) they would be in mortal sin and wouldn't be fit for the Sacraments.

If the couple is ignorant of the Church's teachings in this area the priest would have the obligation to inform them. If they have not embraced Christian chastity, quite frankly they are not ready to enter into the Sacrament of Marriage.

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