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I read Dairygirl4u2c's post titled "Discussion," and it got me to thinking. Why do we debate theology? I am interested in your responses because I want to understand the reasons, and partly because of my current situation dealing with the rabid anti-Catholics. I have been playing tug-of-war in my mind because on the one hand, I feel that my husband, religion, and myself are disrespected during the debates with him and I don't think we should subject ourselves to trying to prove anything to someone who hasn't the least bit of interest in getting a Catholic viewpoint. On the other hand, I think maybe, just maybe, there is some way we can help him through his prejudice (even though we don't like him). Maybe your opinions can help me understand this situation a little better.

Thank you so much and God bless you.

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"Debating" as far as I have seen in my short life, is really never good for much. It may plant a seed, it may make someone feel more correct, yada yada, you know the story.
Debating in itself is useless. It accomplishes nothing on it's own, instead, it makes room for teaching. Debating can show someone they may possibly be wrong, and when taught in the correct manner, they may realize that they indeed were wrong.

That is the main reason we debate. No one converted over a debate. People convert when they are taught.

God bless,


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You know, I really understand where you're coming from. There are times when we feel like we just ought to throw in the towel, but at the same time I think its very important that the non/anti-Catholics get told what we really believe. I don't even ask that they agree with us, just that they listen and know what we really think rather than cling to the lies. Its hard to understand why they think they know what we believe better than we do (and for the record I DO know that not all non-Catholics are like this, I'm specifically referring about those who are). I've had discussions with non-Catholics who no matter how much I tell them what we believe they won't believe me, and then others are very receptive and while they disagree they at least understand. A couple months ago I was talking to a Methodist girl I know and explained Confession to her. She had been telling us that she had gone to Catholic school (though not raised Catholic) but never really understood alot of things so I asked her for an example. After I explained it to her she said "Wow, no one ever explained it like that, now I really understand." She's not converting or anything but at least she *knows*. Things like that make the frustrating conversations somehow worthwhile. (Conversion makes it even better but I'll take baby steps as a good start. ;) )

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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when ppl enter honestly into a debate, it can end in conversion... i've seen it happen on PhatMass many times.

ever hear of Brother Adam? :)

anyway, yeah, we work to change minds and only the Holy Spirit can change hearts.

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I think it helps us to expound on life and its meaning. It is also a nice way to meet interesting people who have a common interest. It is always interesting to hear how people believe and why they believe that way and at the same time it leaves much room for understanding as a society for us to grow and to practice consideration and respect and forgiveness. A debate is not an event where we PROVE other people wrong or ignore someone else’s belief or a place to gloat or feel sorry over the ignorant. It is an event where we can share our beliefs so that we can help not only ourselves but other people on their different paths in life.

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