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The Patch Kills

Kilroy the Ninja

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Kilroy the Ninja

Check out this story on the new [url="http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Primetime/Living/ortho_evra_040923-1.html"]Birth Control Patch.[/url]

More reasons to let women know birth control is evil...

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 24 2004, 08:17 AM'] ah but who will listen. [/quote]
You don't know who will hear you or who will listen. It is possible to hear and not listen. And listen and not hear.

But that doesn't mean you don't stop saying anything about it. You never know who is going to decide to listen later.

I would hope that the attitude against birth control on Phatmass is better than apathetic.......

We need to let people know. Women, tell your friends and sisters, whether they like it or not. If you are truly their friend and you care for them, let them know how bad artificial birth control can be and is.

Men, you too. Are you worried that these people might think you're whack? Or are you worried about what you're going to tell God when he asks you if you at least said something against birth control as we know it?

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i had a girl in 11th grade (so young and petite) who was very sick in the classroom i was substituting for.

she seriously looked ill! i felt so bad for her.....

i knew cuz from some classes i had with her when i was a senior in high school so i talked to her and find out she was on the patch....

this girl was seriously suffering and in pain! thsi girl could barely walk!

i sent her to the nurse (who only returned her to class with crackers and water!!) who didnt' even help her any

i told her very gently and nicely (she really looks up to me) that she should get off it ......

what these ppl are doing to these girls and women! they do not care!

thanks for sharing this kilroy........i will define start spreaind this!

because sadly if WE dont tell them....NO one will

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[quote name='T-Bone' date='Sep 24 2004, 03:15 PM'] Wouldn't letting women know the dangers of birth controll violate thier rights? [/quote]
Telling them the truth is now violating rights? Shouldn't a person know the whole truth about something before choosing it? :huh:

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no one is going to brek down the door and arrest you if you tell the girl who talks about wearing the patch next to you in one of your classes or work that the patch si deadly and can kill.

the courts call day nite and nite day :club:

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='T-Bone' date='Sep 24 2004, 02:20 PM'] The courts are always knocking down informed concent laws regarding abortion because they violate woman's rights... [/quote]
Yeah, so what? That's informed consent laws about abortion. There's no law saying you can't tell women it's bad for them. There's no law saying you can't tell people it's evil.

It is evil. Looking the other way is handing them over to Satan.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I'm about fed up with PP, feminists, and left-wingers who basically have the attitude that there's no way anyone can have self control. They'd readily state that human beings are no better than dogs at controlling their urges. Hopefully the smart ones who can keep it in their pants until they get married and have kids will have more kids than the liberal crowd and we can fix things to the way that they were meant to be.

I'm glad I live in a civilized society where humans are being reduced to nothing more than social and economic livestock. Long live the collective. (end sarcasm)

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Does anyone else not see a total resemblance to the tobacco industry here? "We'll just not tell the users of the possibly fatal side effects of our products."

Did you see them try to justify the deaths by saying pregancy complications kill more women than the patch will? AS IF WE SHOULD USE THE PATCH TO STAY ALIVE or some such thing instead of having babies.

Man the world is falling apart.

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