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Mrs. Bro Adam


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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='mulls' date='Sep 24 2004, 04:14 PM'] screw it. people are way too defensive. i was just trying to start a decent dialogue.

let the patting on the back continue. [/quote]
I'm up for some decent dialogue, although, like I said, it'll take a while for me to get back to you (I cross-stitch and take orders for cross-stitching), so I won't get back to you right away, but I'm up for it.

If you would like jut you and I dialoguing in this thread, simply say so, and the moderators will see to it that no one but you and me post in this thread. Don't 'screw it' yet.

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Where I come from, calling someone or some group ignorant (especially if you dont specify what they are ignorant about) is a negative criticism - which is contrary to the board guidelines.

I understand what you say about in this thread about "the frustration with those Protestants who are clearly ignorant of Catholic teaching, and claim that they worship and believe something contrary to what is taught" but that is not what your signature says. The way your signature is worded will be offensive to many protestants.

I am not saying the same thing about Catholics. I was merely posing a hypothetical question in an attempt to get others to consider the inconsistent ways these phorums are moderated.

I would have put this in a PM but I dont have PM privileges.

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[quote name='MartinLuther' date='Sep 25 2004, 07:53 AM'] Where I come from, calling someone or some group ignorant (especially if you dont specify what they are ignorant about) is a negative criticism - which is contrary to the board guidelines.

I understand what you say about in this thread about "the frustration with those Protestants who are clearly ignorant of Catholic teaching, and claim that they worship and believe something contrary to what is taught" but that is not what your signature says. The way your signature is worded will be offensive to many protestants.

I am not saying the same thing about Catholics. I was merely posing a hypothetical question in an attempt to get others to consider the inconsistent ways these phorums are moderated. [/quote]
Let me jump back in here since I already stuck my nose in.

I hope I did not seem like I was being defensive to your posts. I thought it was a good question. I like MBA's sig. It's thought provoking and it should generate questions.

My original post was directed to you. You are assuming the worst case scenario. You are working to find the most negative aspect of the sig, and the most negative aspect of this phorum. I'm not sure if you realize this, but we are humans and lack perfection. Just about anything we do will have some negative effects and can be construed or taken as being negative. You are human too and are imperfect too. Maybe it's you being negative, not the sig or this Board.

I was presenting and defending the positive aspects of this Board and what I know of Mrs Bro Adam and her sig.

If you are just asking questions without any intent to possibly accept the answer, then you are simplying asking questions to provoke hated and create an opportunity for you to attack and destroy with your pre-conceived conclusions. Maybe you should consider the non-hypothetical question of the inconsistent way you are open or close-minded and percieve something as good or bad.

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Please forgive Mrs. Bro Adam, I am sure that she did not mean you any harm.

I am really sorry that you do not know or reject the whole truth. And I know that you have a huge problem with people saying that. But honestly I think that you would say that about every one who does not see the world as you do.

Ave Maria,

James III

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Kilroy the Ninja

I believe Mrs. BA has answered the original question asked here. dUSt doesn't seem to have a problem with her signature. I assure you he would let her know if he did. If you have a problem with it and don't have PM priviledges, then email dUSt. The debate board is not the appropriate place for such discourse.

If you don't like the way the board is moderated, email dUSt and make some suggestions.

We're all trying to do the best we can. We can't please everyone all of the time.

Thank you.

God Bless and have a nice day.

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