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Boycott Target


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I remember not so long ago when teenage girls wore Love's Baby Soft. Pretty innocent-sounding. Now it's not so innocent anymore. But teen stuff has gotten less and less innocent as time has gone on. I have to wonder, can things get ANY worse? But I think I know the answer to that, unfortunately -- YES. And I bet they will, too.

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and another thing.......heavens to betsy how does one gain access to the new back alley, I wanna see some mudslingin! (well not really, it's actually quite distressing...but i wanna see anyway

you can see but cant' post for only $49.99 a month

:D j/k

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  TempleofVesarius said:
I have a shirt that says "FUCT"

but thats a lil different...its a different context of the word

Is it an acronym for something? What does it mean? Inquiring minds want to know!

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its just the name this guy decided to name his clothing company


i bought it after i heard a story about a newspaper reporter who got fired because he was writing an artical about a rock band and he used a pic of the singer wearing a "FUCT" shirt

Edited by TempleofVesarius
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I saw this on another forum, I dont' approve of this, but then, it doesn't surprise me, also we dont' have Target or this brand in NZ.

However, I've learnt one thing from boycotting, once upon a time I tried to boycot everything that gave money to Planned Parenthood and other abortion supporting groups. The list was huge, and you can't avoid it all unless you go be a hermit.


American Express

McDondals/KFC/Burger King/Pizza Hutt


Hewlett Packard


Coke Cola

Gambler & Procter.

And they're just a few I can recall at the moment.

I came to the relisation that it's almost impossible to avoid these groups, and I found myself being quite hypocritcal because my taxes will be funding abortions. So now, I don't by MS products, although, I run Win98, I got the comp. before I knew, I dont' by HP products, but my dad got me an HP printer free through his business, I dont' go to McD's or the other fast food joints cos it's unhealthy. Thing is, those brand names, the companies that own them have their sticky mitts in so many things.

However, I do fully boycott and do not buy music from artists who support abortion, which works out well anyway, as their music often smells of elderberries and the messages are evil.

Anyways, I find just giving my money to PL movements is a much better thing to do then, me, one person, boycotting huge mulitmillion companies that probably dont' care anyway, I mean, when you have these groups giving millions to PP then a few lousy dollars not coming out of my pocket isn't going to have them converting. Thing is, when I tell my friends and family to boycott these places as well, they don't.

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Target and Marshall Field both owned by Dayton-Hudson corporation of Minnesota. One of their family members is a liberal Democratic senator from Minnesota, most likely not pro-life.

Marshall Field is a Chi-town institution, but an expensive one. I hardly shop there anyway. I think the last time I shopped there was for some ornaments in a post-Christmas sale a couple of years ago.

But just to let you know, when the ads ran in the Chicago Tribune a few weeks ago, there were letters to the editor written to protest the ads.

Edited by Norseman82
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  Dave said:
I remember not so long ago when teenage girls wore Love's Baby Soft.  Pretty innocent-sounding.  Now it's not so innocent anymore.  But teen stuff has gotten less and less innocent as time has gone on.  I have to wonder, can things get ANY worse?  But I think I know the answer to that, unfortunately -- YES.  And I bet they will, too.

Sometimes I feel like such a snob, but really truly I am disgusted by my generation! I mean, I know that not every single teen my age is awful, but I'm fed up with it and tired of it.

Like today at school, we had a group of guys come give us a motivational speech, and one told about his best friend (female) who made a mistake and slept with her fiancee before he was to go to Basic Training; come to find out, he was actually going somewhere with good HIV testing/research because he'd had multiple partners & contracted the virus... He tested positive, and she ended up dying soon after her fiancee did. Sad, sad story - and afterwards in the halls a friend of mine overheard a girl saying, "Why would you come to a High School to talk about not having sex?"

How stupid. I can't wait to leave this place and enter the world of semi-adulthood: College.

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For those of you who feel this is not such a big deal; it is. It's not over the fact that the product's name is a masked profanity. It's because the product is promoting fornication.

As for boycotting, these companies are out to make money. They'll stop if we stop giving them money. Boycotting works if it is executed properly. But in this culture we are faced with quite a problem. Who do we boycott?? If we were to boycott every company that supported something against Catholic teaching, we've have to move to our own little island and create our own country. I feel like I am committing a grave sin if I purchase goods or services from companies that support homosexual activity, abortion, or pornography. But since I have not yet discerned a call to the monastic life, I don't see how it is possible to avoid it. I chose to remain blissfuly ignorant to what the companies do with their money. I think we can best convert this nation by remaining aware, speaking out, voting, and PRAYER. Let's not forget who the real enemy is. Satan and his demons. These kinds of demons can only be driven out with prayer and fasting. Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration whenever possible, stick close to the sacraments, and ask God to convert us first.

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FCUK is an acronym for...


Boycotting should only be performed in cases where the action is in direct link to the grave injustice being inflicted upon other people. The exception being for the companies products of nations where the government/business infringes upon the rights of others...case in point south africa in the former state of apartheid, where people boycotted bata shoes...or boycotting chinese products due to the invasion of tibet.

I don't think it's fair to boycott products which support pornography or homosexuality...as with pro-choice boycotts it's a fine line, because depending on who you are, it could mean that you are taking the life of another. \

But on the basis of different belief? no way... people have a right to make a living regardless of the ideology they assume, and the PERSONAL (that means affecting their person, not yours) actions they take to live that out. Otherwise what's stopping us from boycotting business which isn't owned by Catholics? That's unjust discrimination.

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For once, I agree with FreeSoul. There are much more important things to boycott, and how do you even know that the acronym was meant in the way you took it? FreeSoul gave the actual definition, it's a symptom of our society's depravity that you took the abbreviation as an acronym for immoral acts.

And for another thing, the boycott will never work. As has already been pointed out, it's sold wherever perfume and cologne are sold. Are you really going to boycott all of those stores? What about the people who advertise this perfume and cologne? I saw an ad for it in Teen People not long ago. Are you going to boycott them, and the larger company that owns them, as well? You see, once a real boycott is started in today's global world, we would be boycotting everything, because everything is interconnected. The boycott, once an efficient means of protesting injustice, has ceased to be effective. Globalization and demoralization has killed it. You will never get the kind of momentum you need for a boycott that will hurt even 1% of Target's profits. They simply won't care that you're boycotting them, and you'll be wasting a lot of time and energy for nothing -- time and energy that could be better spent changing the culture that has taught us to see immorality in an abbreviation that reads FCUK. You're attacking a symptom; you must attack the disease itself.

Someone asked how to boycott George Bush. If one were going to boycott George Bush -- though I am not supporting this in any way -- one would not pay one's income taxes. However, this kind of civil disobedience would land one in jail. In all likelihood, withdrawing your support would do absolutely no good, since Bush has already run out of money (i.e. there's a deficit), and yet he continues spending. He'll spend us into the most tremendous debt of all time, regardless of whether or not he has the money. So by all means, pay your taxes.

Back on the topic of FCUK: If you really want to get rid of it, get people to smell it. I smelled the sample in Teen People's advertisement, and pheeeeeeeeew. It stanks. Nobody in their right mind would ever buy that stuff. I'd buy cow poo first.

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Back on the topic of FCUK: If you really want to get rid of it, get people to smell it. I smelled the sample in Teen People's advertisement, and pheeeeeeeeew. It stanks. Nobody in their right mind would ever buy that stuff. I'd buy cow poo first.

LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:

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American Express

McDondals/KFC/Burger King/Pizza Hutt


Hewlett Packard


Coke Cola

Gambler & Procter.

it may not help, but i'll just pick a few and make some shirts with their logo crossed out in one of those no smoking type things.....

like coca cola? wow, pepsi's not on that list is it? how bout Dr. Pepper

im gonna search for that list, and boycott might not work but de-advertizing might, i'll print big signs that say to boycott them! argh that's what ill do

and also, im not gonna get into an argument here, so don't even respond and say somethin to me, but

GEORGE BUSH ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's tryin to make a prolife difference, and he's tryin to rid the world of terrorism, and he even unseated a dirty regime that was mass murdering innocent people

and we may not have found the actual WMDs but we did find the paperwork proving they were there

anyway, :P if i could vote i'd vote for George Bush

what about that cool Faith-Based Initiative

and don't give me the economy garbage, the economy is beaver dam good for a country that lost the World Trade Center 2 years ago

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