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Sexual Harrassment


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I had a bad experience yesterday. First of all i live on a college campus, and just before i went to class yesterday some guys that i didn't know knocked on my door. Against my better judgement i opened the door. One guy just said that they were trying to meet people in the building, but the other guy interupted him and said they were told that the girls that lived in our apartment were "hot." I didn't really know what to say to that. I was just like "ok well thanks," i was feeling akward so i tried to be friendly. I introduced myself and they told me they lived up the stairs. All in all a very harmless conversation, it lasted less than 3 minutes. I said i had to go to class and i shut the door. Well i thought i'd never see them again, but about ten minutes later i heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peephole and no one was there. I assumed i was hearing things and continued to get ready for class. Another 5 minutes passes and i hear another knock, now i'm sure i heard it. I looked out the peephole and all i could see was the back of a piece of paper. Someone ahd taped a note to the front of my door, so i opened the door and grabbed the note. I took it inside and read it. :( It was the most digusting thing ever. It was a very explicit note, I don't even feel comfortable repeating it verbatum, but it they used the five letter P-word...the hate that word. It basically said they wanted to do something totalling inappropriate to me...and if i wanted it done i should call them or go upstairs and see them....I am really sorry if my language offends anyone here :( that's not my goal. I just want to know if you think i'd be justified in taking some serious action here....like filing a sexual assualt form. If i did that they could get kicked out of school. Which i would feel really bad about, however I am just so repulsed and disgusted by what they did i feel like i have no choice.

So please guys let me know what you think. Do you think this is a harmless "boys will be boys" cenario or should i really try and bust these perverts?

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sue their butts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is sexual herrassment and totaly bad!!!!!

pray for them too

but sue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u dont want them to like stalk u or anything and stuff

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As a girl I take great offense to such stupidity from guys who are like that. Many of the phatmass guys here will all agree that they were wrong for doing that and it just wasn't the "boys will be boys" cenario. I wouldn't put up with that mess, because it seems to be making you uncomfortable, and you should not have to worry about being harrassed like that on a safe college campus. Your comfort and security are a main concern and this type of behavior effects that. I would file a complaint asap. Behavior like that shouldn't be tolerated.

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well do sumthing

call the cops

call the fbi

secret service

national guard



seal team six

army rangers

green barrets

just do sumthing

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I think you should report it right away. If you're scared, you're scared for a reason and you should make sure someone with authority knows that you're scared.

Better they get warned and get a chance to shape up than that you or one of your friends gets hurt.

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Actually i have reported it. My boyfriend (toledo_jesus), is an RA and when i told him what happened he was OBLIGATED to make an incident report. So this morning i had 4 campus police officers knocking on my door trying to get ahold of me, i was at class, but i'm going to call them. You know i guess i am kind of scared. I've noticed that i've been much more aware of what's going on outside my door. I'm looking through the peephole whenever i hear something :( I guess i'm just second guessing myself, wondering if this is something they should be suspended over. Becauase ny the world's standards this isn't that bad, I think that socially we expect college guys to act like that....but personally i think it's unacceptable and i know God thinks that....i'm just looking for some reassurance and i knew i could depend on the pham to back up my decision....THANKS GUYS!

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Maybe they "act like that" because they aren't being held to a higher standard. These are the men who are going to be tomorrow's business leaders, teachers etc. They need to learn NOW what they did not learn in kindergarten (where they should have learned it) that you treat people with respect. And that actions have consequenses...

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you know what, you are absolutely right! that is preceisly the problem....they are not being held to a higher standard. They have probably gotten away with behaving like this because people have said "boys will be boys" or just brushed it off as them being immature. Immaturity is not an excuse they are at college it's time to grow up

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