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A Story


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Once upon a time, there was a :cowboy: , a :egypt: , a :fireman: , a :hippie: , and a :ninja: . They all lived in a cabin in the woods, desiring to create their own tv reality series. One day, :santa: and a :cheer: showed up. They said in order to make the series a hit, they had to go :camp: in the desserted forest. Once they were all settled in for the night, they were :abduction: by an army of giant :banana: !!! The tv series, having only aired 2 episodes, was none the less, cancelled due to a lack of stars. Meanwhile, the stars found themselves on planet Funalot, where they formed their own :band: :dj: , and sold millions of albums to the :cyborg: 's and dancing :snowman: of the planet. And they all lived happily ever after.

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' date='Sep 22 2004, 01:13 PM'] Mmmmm.... desserted forest. :drool: [/quote]
so, would that be like Black Forest Cake?

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There once was a [img]http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/char024.gif[/img] who was her daddy's little [img]http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/char036.gif[/img]. He guided her with wisdom about :jesus: and His Church. She loved the [img]http://members.aol.com/browrob549/emo/char015.gif[/img] and still does to this day. With her father's guidiance she began to pray the Rosary everyday and she grew closer and closer to God. She was so in love with God and His Church that she began to :book: everything she could about the Church. Today she's a soldier in the Lord's Army :shield: and defends His Church and Our Lady daily. Her goal in life is to share her knowledge about the True Church and to :wub: everyone that she meets. Her Patron Saint is St. Francis of Assisi who used to talk to birds :birds: She prays that by the mercy and grace of God she will be in His kingdom one day.

Edited by StColette
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There once was a :ninja: who thought he was :cool: , so he decided to go and :box: with the :pope: . On his way his :angel: strated to :box: with the :pitchfork:, and the battle raged...... :swords: untill the :angel: finally won. The :ninja: then went out and met :hippie:. They instantly fell in :wub: and got :newlyweds: by the :pope:. Then they had a :infant: that grew up to be a :preacher: and they all :wub: 'ed :jesus: very much. They all lived happily ever after and went to Heaven. :ascension:

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