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i attend Holy Cross College across the street from Notre Dame. by our chapel are some posters of deceased CSC brothers. in almost all of the pictures (they stop in the 1970's-80s) the borthers have the "collar" of a priest. all but a handful are in a black shirt w/ a white collar. why is this? i doubt they are priests because the captions say "Brother So-and-so C.S.C." thanks for any insight.

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Most likely it is the opposite. If they have a collar they are probably a priest and the caption is wrong. Just a guess. I don't have another explanation.


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In Holy Cross, and many other religiuos orders, the brothers wore collars too. However their collars usually have small "v" notched into them to distinguish them from the priests. Also, the brothers, in their old habits did not have a cape (like the Holy Cross Priests) and wore a St. Joseph medal instead of the crucifix.

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