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Patriotic Songs In Mass


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If any man sayith that patriotic songs of any country other than the City of the Vatican are to be said immediately before, during, or after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the place which the Sacrifice of the Mass is being prayed, let him be anathema.

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[quote name='Mercy me' post='957261' date='Apr 23 2006, 12:03 AM']

PS I learned a very cool patriotic song in South Africa that had a Christian tone to it. I can't think of the words right now but I remember that it was beautiful. I thought that it was a my honor to learn it and join in singing it.
Do you perhaps know what the meaning of some of the words were?

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[quote name='Peccator' post='958006' date='Apr 23 2006, 07:16 PM']
Do you perhaps know what the meaning of some of the words were?
[/quote]Wiat, I think you're refering to the new South African Anthem...I must though say that we never sing in church, in fact the only place its ever sung is before sport matches.

I find it rather ironic that a goverment who advocates and supports abortion , gay rights & marriage, Robert Mugabe (and a host of other trasicties) would ask God's blessing in its national anthem. :idontknow:

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[quote name='Peccator' post='958013' date='Apr 23 2006, 01:32 PM']
Wiat, I think you're refering to the new South African Anthem...I must though say that we never sing in church, in fact the only place its ever sung is before sport matches.

I find it rather ironic that a goverment who advocates and supports abortion , gay rights & marriage, Robert Mugabe (and a host of other trasicties) would ask God's blessing in its national anthem. :idontknow:

I can't remember what it was called! I know that it was not the national anthem. No it was not sung in church but it was patriot and did speak of god. It was not out of line with Christian teaching as I heard it. I would know it if I heard it.

AHHH! This i s killing me! I just can't remember. :idontknow: It was cool though. It will probably come to me in the middle of the night.

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While beautiful, and even at times during the year more appropriate than other times, the Church lives outside of the age, location, and peoples it happens to reside in. While God gave us a gift in each of our countries, nationalism has very little room in a universal Church. On the other hand, the Church is made of many parts, different parts, that make up the whole.

Traditionally, the Church is the place of patriotism and the old order (not the Old Order (of kings and the likes, although, I'd think the Church does stand for kings and the likes, but that isn't the issue) so it would make sense then to have some patriotic affiliation when it can't be find anywhere else, but I hardly think thats the case in the US.

God bless,

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[quote name='voiciblanche' post='358812' date='Sep 19 2004, 07:30 PM']
I was thinking about putting this in Open Mic, but there isn't any debating allowed in Open Mic, so, to be on the safe side, I put it in here.

So, to the point. At the parish I'm a part of, there's been patriotic songs like "America the Beautiful" and "America (My Country Tis of Thee)," etc, as the closing songs for Mass several weeks in a row.

I personally don't like it because it's ten to fifteen minutes after receiving Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, and we're putting all the focus on our country instead of Him and the Gift He just gave us.

What do you guys think about this?

i agree. I am not entirely sure that they belong in the Mass. The hymns that we use today do not convey the sense of holiness already. Patriotic songs of a near atheistic country don't strike me as something to meditate on after receiving Christ.

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Patriotic songs are awesome. I also like Norah Jones, The Eagles, Supertramp, Harry Connick Jr. and Coldplay.


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[quote name='OLAM Dad' post='958317' date='Apr 23 2006, 05:59 PM']
Patriotic songs are awesome. I also like Norah Jones, The Eagles, Supertramp, Harry Connick Jr. and Coldplay.

[/quote]Patriotism and Religion?

[code]By its military intervention in Iraq, the U.S. government has taken on a moral obligation to engage in a difficult, long-term process of nation building. In resolving to restore sovereignty to the Iraqi people, it has embarked on an extraordinary effort at rebuilding a country after decades of a corrupt and brutal dictatorship and years of devastating sanctions. This effort will have to continue and be strengthened so that, in concert with the international community, our country can help empower the Iraqi people to create a society of peace and justice. In renewing our moral concerns and calling for our nation to recognize both its limitations and responsibilities, we also renew our call for prayer for those who serve our nation and their families, for the people of Iraq, and for a region and world broken by violence and longing for peace. [/code]

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I don't see a problem with it.

I know when I went to Mass on memorial day, and other holidays, especially ones honoring our veterans, my Mass played patriotic music.

Well, I guess it would offend anyone who crossed the border and it has to be in Spanish.

God bless America.

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