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2 Different Sins


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What is lusting over an object ? And when does being angry with or at another becomea a mortal sin ? I have a scrupulous conscience and sometimes think that I deliberately mean the flashes of thought that go through my mind ,and thus think Im in mortal sin . What should I do ?

God Bless,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Ricky,

First I would say to you, just relax. The mind is an incredible complex organ. If you have thoughts that flash through your mind, certainly those are not sinful. Sin occurs when we pull those thoughts down into ourselves and meditate on them willfully. These can be thoughts of anger and violence, where we picture another person, meditate on how much we hate them and why and then wish evil on them. (That is a sin.) We can picture a sexual act, place ourselves within it and meditate on the mulitple possiblities. (That is a sin.) If you are having fleeting thoughts and thoughts that come naturally, as soon as you recognize that they are not helpful than put them out of your mind. Do not spend alot of time weighing this, but for the sake of conscience confess them so as to purge yourself of them.


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