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New T-shirt Ideas...


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Hey y'all. Some of you amy know and some of you may not, but one of the major ways phatmass raises money for music production/traveling expenses/give-a-ways is through the sale of t-shirts. Some of the shirts are sold through the site, and most of them are sold at live events we go to... So, I will often ask for feedback from the pham before I actually spend the money on ordering the shirts... Here's two ideas I've been throwing around:



What do y'all think? Would you buy one if you had the money?

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[quote name='musturde' date='Sep 15 2004, 10:42 PM'] why dont yall put "trust" on the front and on the back u put the him and the pic? [/quote]
That's dope...

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Good idea, but that's not really the point I was trying to make with the shirt. I was trying to make some type of statement about His Real Presence. Trust Him doesn't really make a statement about the Eucharist to me...? Maybe not?

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On the front, put something and try making the big pic the back. Like make a smaller pic of that with some random stuff rotating around it or something under it that says www.phatmass.com.... just a suggestion.

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yea have like phatmass.com on the left breast and then on the back have the pic with "Him".....i really love the idea........how bout a white shirt wtih black printing as well....id prolly buy that one

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yes I would most definately buy one...if i had any money.

On the second one....on the front I would put MOM...or Catholic Mom's Rule...or something to that affect...

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The first one is da bomb...

One suggestion, instead of "Him" have "HIM"...Maybe...I just like all caps, but the fact that's it's "Him" and not "him" still needs to be made....

Anyway, I'd probably scrounge for the money to buy one.

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I like the first one...not sure if I could buy it though.
Maybe it should have some Scripture quotes about the Eucharist, from John 6 and the Last Supper.

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