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Catholic Hospitals Commit Live-birth Abortion


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Why would anyone murder an innocent child just because they have a disablility? What's next, your six year old needs glasses, so just give him a leathal injection?

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Sep 15 2004, 11:27 AM'] Sometimes I wish I own a gun. [/quote]
Me to . Great point pete-ster 2 messages above .

Edited by reelguy227
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They are [b]not[/b] directly killing the unborn babies. It's [b]not[/b] abortion. "They must be medically assessed and cared for just like wanted babies."

Plenty of women are induced early for health reasons, either their own or the unborn child's. If, unfortunately, something went wrong and the baby died, would that be counted as an abortion? I think not.

However, this does seem to be morally suspect. I suppose their reasoning is that even if the child is born full term it will die anyway, so better that it happens sooner rather than later, thus sparing the mother 17 weeks of anguish carrying a child that she knows is destined to die at birth. But 23 weeks is too early - although nowadays the survival rate for premature babies is fantastic, being born that early still poses grave risks.

It's a horrible situation. Some of you are too quick with your little angry smiley faces. Have you considered how heart-breaking it must be to be told that your baby will not live, and will die either in the womb or at birth (in many cases, by suffocation)? Many people would view letting the baby gestate right up until full term as prolonging its life unnecessarily cruelly, like keeping someone on a ventilator even though they are certain never to recover. While undoubtedly 23 weeks is too early to induce birth, it's not like they're murdering it.

Reserve your anger for actual abortions. -_-

[quote]Even fatally ill babies, left to develop until term, give their mothers the gift of lowering their risk of breast cancer. Contrarily, mothers who abort dramatically increase their risk.[/quote]
Not proven.

[quote][Aborting mothers] forcibly stretched cervixes will have difficulty keeping subsequent babies inside until full term.[/quote]
A woman who is induced will have her subsequent babies fall out? Rubbish.

Sorry, but I think this article was badly written and sensationalist.

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