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Is It Wrong


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I know a guy who is a Eucharistic minister, and he is the guy who prepares the appropriate amount of communion wafers for Mass. When his daughter was younger (maybe three or four years old), he would give her some unconsecrated communion wafers when she was hungry before Mass. Does anyone else think that's kind of bizarre and irreverant, even if they aren't consecrated yet?


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Yeah, that seems really weird and irreverant. :blink:

I remember that before my First Communion, the priest had us eat unconsecrated hosts, so that we would "know what it tasted like." :huh: I don't know if that was right, either, now that I think about it. :unsure: Anyone know?

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I was fed an unconsecrated wafer before my first commuinoin, to practice the real thing, so we wouldn't mess up (Eastern Churches give only by mouth). It is wrong to feed it as actual temporal food, because then she has a really bad example.

God bless,


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Colleen' date='Sep 14 2004, 05:21 PM'] Yeah, that seems really weird and irreverant. :blink:

I remember that before my First Communion, the priest had us eat unconsecrated hosts, so that we would "know what it tasted like."  :huh: I don't know if that was right, either, now that I think about it.  :unsure: Anyone know? [/quote]
Yeah, ours did too. I don't like that practice. All this talk of how it tastes like bread and stuff and focusing on the accidents of the Eucharist I find might confuse kids even more and make them doubt the Real Presence. I mean...we shouldn't focus on the accidents, even though they do have some meaning behind them...little kids get confused...

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I don't think there's technically anything wrong with it. When I was like eight we went on a field trip to where the nuns made the wafers and they gave us some..I thought it was weird...but I asked my parents and they didnt think there was antyhing *wrong* with it. But yeah...it is strange and I wouldnt encourage it :-/

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well if you think about it. At that point it's only bread. The Eucharistic Miracle doesn't lie in the bread, it lies completely in the hands of Jesus. Granted there are other things that would be better to eat, but I don't really see anyhting technically wrong with it. It's going to be eaten anyways.

Edited by Scofizzle
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I would hope its a mandatory practice in the East, where communion by mouth is the only option, and little kids need as much practice as they can get.

Granted, I never understood what the Eucharist was until last year, but that was probably from less than religious minded instructers, or the dialect barrier, but I believe its a fine mix.

God bless,


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I can understand giving an unconsecrated host to teach someone what it tastes like . . . I've seen kids get freaked out after tasting it for the first time. This is perfectly allowable.

However, to just snack on the unconsecrated hosts seems odd, since, especially for a child, this type of bread must be seen as different, intended for a sacred purpose . . .

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2 yrs ago in Lebanon I was at St. Rafqa's I think and they were the kind of bread the consencrated hosts are made of. I dont think it's soo much of a sin to eat them but I do think its a bad example to do in front of lil kids.

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[quote name='reelguy227' date='Sep 14 2004, 06:43 PM'] Whats so freaky about the taste ? It tastes like cereal or bread . [/quote]
i know i freaked out my first Communion 'cause my mom kept telling me it tasted like cardboard. so i was expecting paper flavored bread. :unsure:

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