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Lil Red

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Sep 15 2004, 04:41 PM'] In the Eastern Catholic Churches you are confirmed as a baby, right after you are baptized. [/quote]
yep yep I learned this about 6 months ago :) I dunno I kinda like being older getting Confirmed cause I was more mature in my decisions and my parents weren't deciding for me.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Maybe ask them all what sacraments they've received. That might break the ice...but maybe not...

I've received:

Anointing of the Sick

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 15 2004, 09:25 PM'] Dude when did you recieve annointing of the sick? [/quote]
A priest at my parish gave it to me before I had major sinus reconstruction surgery.

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I do believe the point to start is the Eucharist, all other sacraments build around it. Baptism is the gateway into the others, but the Eucharist is why all others exist.

God bless,


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Theologian in Training

If you need any help on particular resources, I have found this site [url="http://catecheticalresources.com/Teacher_Resources.htm"]http://catecheticalresources.com/Teacher_Resources.htm[/url] to be quite helpful.

God Bless

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[quote name='Apotheoun' date='Sep 15 2004, 02:05 PM'] As a side note, it is sad that the sacrament of Confirmation is given at a later age in the United States. The universal norm of the law is that one should be confirmed upon reaching the age of discretion (i.e., around 7 or 8 years of age), but the norm instituted by the Bishops in the United States has extended the period of time in which Confirmation can be given. [/quote]
I was confirmed at 14 (8th grade) and looking back I wish I would have waited. I still had too many questions and didn't have the relationship with the Church or God that I should have. Sometimes I even think I had First Communion too early to actually know what was going on, which makes me sad. Personally I think that if you're going to tell a kid something he or she ought to old enough to decern whether or not they are ready.

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 19 2004, 08:47 PM'] I was confirmed at 14 (8th grade) and looking back I wish I would have waited.  I still had too many questions and didn't have the relationship with the Church or God that I should have.  Sometimes I even think I had First Communion too early to actually know what was going on, which makes me sad.  Personally I think that if you're going to tell a kid something he or she ought to old enough to decern whether or not they are ready. [/quote]
A man's understanding of a sacrament, or the lack thereof, doesn't effect the objective nature of the grace given through the sacrament. The Eastern and Western views on when the sacraments of initiation should be given does not touch upon the substance of the sacraments in question; but my point was simply this, that in todays world the graces given in the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist are vital in helping a young person to resist the temptations of a hedonistic and materialist culture that encourages behavior that is ultimately self-destructive.

God bless,

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Go in their natural order. (Initiation, Restoration, Station). The American Catholic Church will correct the timing that Confirmation is bestowed. The recent scandals delayed the change due to the time and attention it required. Correcting the timing will also change the mission of each parish to establish ministries for "mystagogy" (I think I spelled it correctly). It has to do with learning more about and growing in the graces given in the Sacraments which is what all Christians are called to do.

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actually, since I'm starting this next month (October), I think I will start with Eucharist, because October starts the Year of the Eucharist.

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[quote name='Lil Red' date='Sep 24 2004, 11:54 AM'] actually, since I'm starting this next month (October), I think I will start with Eucharist, because October starts the Year of the Eucharist. [/quote]
good point!

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