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Did Domina and White get their questions answered?

I go to a Latin Mass. Certain parts of the [i]Ordinary[/i] (the Gloria, the Creed, etc; those parts of the Mass which do not change from week to week) are prayed audibly in Latin. The rest I cannot hear. Thre is no microphone. But it doesn't matter. The sermon is in English, and Epistle/Gospel, too (this part [i]is[/i] with a microphone).

At the High Mass, all the [i]Ordinary[/i] prayers are sung (except the offertory, canon, etc); as well as there's incense. The choir and priest kind of answer each other in singing the prayers. The hymns at the offertory and Communion are usually done in four-part voice. Otherwise, there's a lot of Gregorian chant, and the liturgy is sung in unison, the women and men an octave apart.

One of the best parts for me, is after the Last Blessing, when Mass has ended. The [i]Last Gospel [/i]is read, which I [b]love[/b]; then the [i]Prayers After (low) Mass[/i]: 3 Hail Mary's, Hail Holy Queen, prayer for the freedom of the Church, and St. Michael prayer.

It's mysterious if I'm in a certain mood. I've come to know by the gestures and just the rythym of having attended it for awhile, where each prayer is being "said".
It doesn't seem to matter when I can't hear them, or when they're audible in Latin. It can become quite familiar...which is just the way it is, with its good and less good points.

When I'm feeling dead as a doornail, I pray [i]"Lord I believe, help Thou my unbelief"[/i], just to let Him know I'm trying.

It's OK when we feel...un-devotional. God understands.

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