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Your Relationship With God


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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Sep 14 2004, 09:48 AM'] I think it's different for you guys. You have a network of friends, family whatever who regularly attend Mass. I have no one. All I have is Phatmass, and that's very sad. [/quote]
It is sad to feel isolated. I can understand that. Have you been to a different parish that has more young people? You could connect with some more people (not that you would have to switch parishes, of course)...

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I never had a community...but I prayed for one. Now I have three communities...Bible study, Newman Center, and Phatmass...

But I prefer phatmass! Catholic fellowship is great...but it is a bit more sanitized in here. :)

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[quote name='Phazzan' date='Sep 14 2004, 10:48 AM'] I think it's different for you guys. You have a network of friends, family whatever who regularly attend Mass. I have no one. All I have is Phatmass, and that's very sad. [/quote]
That is sad, and lonely. I can relate very much. Being a convert, much of my family essentially disowned me when I joined the church. My old circle of friends isn't Catholic, and I have a bit of a fear of new social situations that makes it almost impossible for me to go to fellowship meetings for people my age.

I can definitely relate... but hey, Phatmass is much better than nothing. A lot of people underestimate the value of internet relationships.

I'll be remembering you in my prayers. I hope you'll remember me, too.


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Aww I'm sorry Phazzan I'll pray for you :flowers:

to the original question: Ehhhh...mine is mediocre...I tend to have a LOT of moments where I don't even believe God exists at all...though I mostly have convinced myself of it. Yeah...faith is hard :( We all need help with it.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 14 2004, 05:11 PM'] Oh, also, does your university have a Catholic group? [/quote]
Yeah probably, but I can't see myself joining like the Newman Club or something. I wouldn't fit in, plus I graduate at the end of the year anyway.

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There are times when Im all in deep prayer and on fire for God and then there are other times when I get to wrapped up in the cares of this world and forget about Him . But like White Knight said ,He is always there ,and to know that is very comforting . Im am also scrupulous and am kind of like Phazzan in that I think or know I commit a mortal sin every like 3-5 days ,and am in and out of the confessional to the point where it gets very tiring .

God Bless,

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