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[quote name='DominaNostra' date='Sep 14 2004, 11:22 AM'] Doesn't the Church say that God is not happy with us if we are not Catholic or something like that? or, isn't there a council that says that you have to be Catholic or otherwise you are not pleasing God? I think that was something in the Renaissance or Middle Ages. I also was told that anyone can please God if they are doing what they think is right, so I don't know really. I think that the Devil is happy if people aren't doing God's will, and if it is God's will to be Catholic, then I think that people who are not being Catholic are probably making the Devil happy. Does that make sense? [/quote]
No, God would perfer that all become Catholic, but getting closer to God by understanding him as best as we can is ultimetly the goal. I learned much about God with the Blessed Sacrament, and I learn of His forgiveness everytime I go to confession, and there is much more to learn in all the sacraments. Adoration is one of the most powerful tools, I do believe. The fact of the matter is, however, that God likes it the closer we come, and the Catholic Church is as close as we can come, but it may take a few steps up.

Ash said it in the best way possible.

God bless,


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Ok so you do not have a Newman center

Man your univeristy Campus Ministry Web Page is whack ( I will not link to it because I fear it being luke warm Catholicish)...Almost seems univeralistic (oo no I sound like budge)...It is way to PC...No wonder you all have promblems with riots...sorry that last part was cheap shot.

I thank you for the work that you do for Christ. Have you ever read the Last Battle?

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 17 2004, 12:04 PM'] I thank you for the work that you do for Christ. Have you ever read the Last Battle? [/quote]
OOOoooo I love that book (my favorite in the series) Coincidently, I've been thinking about it a lot this last year... "further up and further in... "

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Blessed Be God!!!

Anybody who is wanting to take the plunge into the faith will learn there is more Truth out there, the fullness of truth.

God Bless
Jason Gregory

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 17 2004, 01:04 PM'] Ok so you do not have a Newman center

Man your univeristy Campus Ministry Web Page is whack ( I will not link to it because I fear it being luke warm Catholicish)...Almost seems univeralistic (oo no I sound like budge)...It is way to PC...No wonder you all have promblems with riots...sorry that last part was cheap shot.

I thank you for the work that you do for Christ. Have you ever read the Last Battle? [/quote]
i dont know which site you looked at, but they all smell of elderberries. this is a secular university remember. and most of the churches and fellowships rarely update their information.

but the actual ministry here is blowing up.

never heard of that book.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Sep 17 2004, 01:53 PM'] never heard of that book. [/quote]
I bet you have... It's the last of the Chronicles of Narnia... (unless Theoketos was refering to a different [u]The Last Battle[/u].

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 17 2004, 02:54 PM'] I bet you have... It's the last of the Chronicles of Narnia... (unless Theoketos was refering to a different [u]The Last Battle[/u]. [/quote]
The reason I asked is I wanted to eventually allud to the enemy soldier who makes it into the fold, even though he was on the wrong side, he did good and was saved...

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 17 2004, 06:38 PM'] The reason I asked is I wanted to eventually allud to the enemy soldier who makes it into the fold, even though he was on the wrong side, he did good and was saved... [/quote]
Yeah, I think about that a lot.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Cure of Ars' date='Sep 14 2004, 12:28 AM'] God's not done with them yet. ;) [/quote]
After all, it only took 22 years to bring me back to the Catholic Church ;)

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