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People around here keep giving their lives to Christ. They are hungry for God on this campus.

But they're not becoming Catholic.

With that being said, who is pleased with this fact.....God or the Devil?

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One might as well ask if God would be "pleased" with a polytheist or atheist who converted to some monotheistic religion like Judaism or Islam.

Or, if some non-Christian embraced the Mormon Jesus...or the Arian Jesus...or the Gnostic Jesus. Would God be pleased?

Are these all progressions from more error to less error?

Just some thoughts...

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In my opinion, I believe to an extent God is pleased, yet disappointed. You can compare it to a parent wanting their child to take a certain path, one which would be safer, easier (in a way), and completely fulfilling. While the child decides to take a different path that has similar traits, yet it's dangerous, harder, and not completely fulfilling.

Don't know if that's a good analogy, but yet again it's almost [b]12:30am[/b].

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Well as long as their coming to know him, then thats cool, but I also still think He wants us to go all the way, or do nothing at all.

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Doesn't the Church say that God is not happy with us if we are not Catholic or something like that? or, isn't there a council that says that you have to be Catholic or otherwise you are not pleasing God? I think that was something in the Renaissance or Middle Ages. I also was told that anyone can please God if they are doing what they think is right, so I don't know really. I think that the Devil is happy if people aren't doing God's will, and if it is God's will to be Catholic, then I think that people who are not being Catholic are probably making the Devil happy. Does that make sense?

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The answer could be both are at the same time happy but one morns and the other is irate at the lack of completion in there plan.

Also Mulls, I wonder how many people are in the RCIA program at your Newman Center.

Jesus is my Savior, He takes away my Sin! He is saving me by faith!

I am in His Catholic Church under the chair of Peter!

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Sep 15 2004, 01:44 PM'] Also Mulls, I wonder how many people are in the RCIA program at your Newman Center.

what do you mean "your" Newman Center? i'm not aware of any around here.

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I believe God is pleased when man takes steps towards the ultimate happiness- life in heaven with God. We can step towards God or we can make actions that step away from God.

Any action towards the Ultimate Good - God - is naturally a good action. These good actions are pleasing to God when done for the right intentions. When a pagan moves from paganism to a non-Catholic Church that teaches the correct baptism and other correct truths, it is a good action towards God. The journey should not end though until they are in the fullness of truth.

I believe on the flip side though if you are "saving" Catholics out of the Catholic faith and into heresy, it is a wrong action and is displeasing to God. However if they are not in the grace of God and cannot attain that grace of God immeaditely through the Catholic Church due to their predisposition and must first experience life outside the Church before reverting back into the Church, it may indeed be a step towards God.

Bro. Adam

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